Zakat and khums

Cards (9)

  • Zakah
    Charity, a directive from Qur'an, a religious obligation that allows you to purify your wealth
  • Wealth
    On loan from God, so some should be used to help others
  • A sum of 2.5% is paid on income and savings to the mosque for distribution for community causes
  • To help each other
    Is to help God
  • Giving should be done willingly as God knows all intentions
  • Khums
    Means 'a fifth' (or 20 per cent) in Arabic, the sixth of the Ten Obligatory Acts of Shi'a Islam, a tax paid on any profit earned by Shi'a Muslims
  • Recipients of khums
    • Descendants of Muhammad
    • Education projects
    • Those within the Shi'a Islamic faith
    • Those in need
  • The benefits (importance) of giving zakah include:
    • To purify and cleanse your wealth - giving makes the remaining money 'clean'
    • Sharing the blessings of wealth with others prevents greed - moral development
    • Money benefits both giver and receiver - the giver will receive a hundred-fold back in the afterlife and they should also feel the satisfaction of giving
    • If everyone gave zakah then there would be no poor in the world - stewardship
    • Fulfils your religious duty and obligation - 3rd pillar of Islam
  • Importance of Khums
    • Gives special recognition to Muhammad, his descendants and leaders within Shi'a Islam
    • Used to help build Islamic schools or projects chosen by Shi'a leaders
    • Helps those in need
    • Promotes Islam through education
    • 1 of the 10 Obligatory Acts