
Cards (9)

  • God: 'Be, and it is'
  • Nobody may die except with God's permission, at a predestined time
  • Al-Qadr

    Predestination, also known as 'Divine Decree'
  • Allah is in control of the outcome of good and evil actions. He knows everything that will happen.
  • Humans have the free will to make their own choices.
  • God knows the outcomes of free choices.
  • Divine control and human freedom are completely compatible in both Sunni and Shi'a Islam.
  • Belief in predestination for Muslims
    • Try to live in accordance with God's will and plan for their life - following Qur'an teachings and practising the 5 pillars
    • More God conscious and try their best to live good lives, in accordance with his will (e.g. following Qur'an)
    • Take comfort in the fact all good and bad comes from Allah; gives hope knowing the outcome of any action (good or bad) happens only by the will of God
    • May not fear death, because it is part of God's plan: 'No soul may die except with God's permission at a predestined time'
    • 'God says be, and it is' (Surah 2:117) -suggests Allah has power over everything; humans are limited in their control, so accept His will
    • Believe they will be compensated for the hardships that they endure and as such this life is a test. Influenced to remain faithful
  • Belief in predestination
    Could lead to losing hope when things don't go well; could make someone too reliant on God rather than taking responsibility for their own actions