USA depth study

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  • A significan cause of the Great Depression of the 1930's was that

    some banking policies were unsound and had led to the over expansion of credit
  • An important factor contributing to the start of the Great Depression in the US was the
    uneven distribution of wealth
  • What is considered to be the most immediate cause of the Great Depression
    the stock market crash of 1929
  • Why did excessive use of credit by consumers in the 1920's contribute to the coming of the Great Depression?
    people were in debt and thus stopped spending as much
  • What was the impact of the federal government's decision to keep interstate rates low during the 1920's?

    people continued borrowing money and buying on credit, thus leading to growing debt
  • What is the main message of the 1932nd Psalm

    Herbert Hoover and the republican Party have done little to east the Great Depression and have, in fact, made conditions worse
  • During the Great Depression, expressions such as Hoovervilles and Hoover blankets showed that President Hoover

    was blamed for the suffering of the poor
  • What was the impact of FDR's "fireside chats" on the American public?

    they made Americans feel the government was on the side of the American people during the 1930's
  • In the 1930's, the enactment of the New Deal programs demonstrated a belief that

    the federal government must concern itself with the economic well-being of the people
  • The main reason President Franklin D. Roosevelt attempt to increase the number of Justices on the US Supreme Court was to

    make the COur mores supportive of the New Deal programs
  • A major result of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal was

    an expansion of the power of the Federal Government
  • What were two basic causes of the Dust Bowl during the early 1930's
    over farming and severe drought
  • The economic theories of ? proved the basis for the deficit spending of the New Deal?
    John Maynard Keynes
  • Which was a major criticism of the New Deal on the part of conservatives, and was also backed up by a Supreme COurt decision in the mid 1930's
    the federal government was impeding on states' rights with respect to the regulation of commerce
  • What was the impact of the National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act)?
    led to a rise in union membership and in the power of unions
  • Which group was not part of FDR's "New Deal Coalition"
    business owners
  • Which of the following finally ended the economic depression of the 1930's
    increased production for WWII
  • Which New Deal program was chiefly designed to correct abuses in the stock market?
    Securities and Exchange Commission
  • The legacy of the New Deal in the 20th century includes

    - the central importance of the president in the political life and action of the country
    - the transition of the federal govt to the role of a broker state
    - the creation of a safety net for the average American during economic crisis
  • FDR and the Democratic Party's electoral victories in 1932, 1934 and 1936 included the shift of traditionally Republican ? into the Democratic Party

  • In combating the Depression, Pres. Hoover favored

    state and local relief programs
    businesses maintaining wages and employment voluntarily
    private volunteer efforts
  • "The New Deal brough sweeping changes in American politics and society" these are
    - use of federal deficit spending
    - a majority of AA's voting for democratic candidates
    - increased power of labor unions
  • The New Deal legislation that has had the wides impact of the past 70 years is
    the Social Security Act
  • "Economic indicators during Hoover's presidency reached new lows" Which indicator went UP instead of down during Hoover's time in office/
  • Which of the following is closely identified with the Bonus March?

    Herbert Hoover and Douglas MacArthur
  • The New Deal implemented theories of John Maynard Keynes that stressed the importance of

    deficit spending for "priming the pump"
  • In response to conservative rulings of the Supreme Court, FDR took action that resulted in

    a major legislative defeat for him
  • In order to deal with the crisis in banking at the time of his inauguration, FDR

    declared a four day "Banking holiday"
  • Which of the following statements comes closest to FDR's meaning of the New Deal?

    "These times call for policies that will bring a decent standard of living to the forgotten people at the bottom of the economic pyramid"
  • one of the loudest complaints of wealthy conservatives against the New Deal was that it

    threatened their wealth and their privileged status and moved the country toward a welfare state
  • The Committee for Industrial Organization (CIO) was established

    to organize unskilled workers
  • The fundamental failure of the New Deal was

    the fact that it did not end unemployment or the Great Depression as a whole
  • During the period of the New Deal, the program of organized labor was most successful in
    removing obstacles to unionization
  • The Social Security program of 1935 provided which of the following?

    - federal unemployment insurance
    - old age pensions paid for by taxes on employers and workers
    - federal assistance to disabled Americans
  • Most of the rationale for conservative opposition to the New Deal came from the argument that New Deal programs

    diminished the liberty of the individual
  • The 21st Amendment, ratified in 1933, repealed the

    prohibition on the manufacture and sale of alcohol
  • The primary purpose of the Public Works Administration and the Works Progress Administration was
    to provide employment through federal deficit spending
  • The most enduring change that occurred in the US banking during the administration for FDR was
    federal insurance of bank deposits
  • The New Deal cultural agency that dealt with the writing and recording of slave narratives was called
    Federal Writers Project
  • the weaknesses in the economy contributing to the Great Depression included

    low prices for crops in the post WWi period
    unequal distribution of income
    a rise in productivity had encouraged over produciton of goods in many industries