Alphabet agencies

Cards (28)

  • Glass-Steagall Act (Emergency Banking Relief Act)

    In 1933, this act allowed the banks to reopen and it gave the president the power to regulate banking transactions and foreign exchange.
  • Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

    This was created by the Unemployment Relief Act of 1933. It provided employment in government camps for 3 million uniformed single, young men during the Great Depression. The work they were involved in included reforestation, fire fighting, flood control, and swamp drainage.
  • Works Progress Administration (WPA)

    Congress created this in 1935 as an agency that gave jobs to people who needed them. They worked on bridges, roads, and buildings. They spent 11 billion dollars and gave almost 9 million people jobs. It was one of the New Deal Agencies.
  • National Recovery Act (NRA)

    During the Great Depression, this act was created in 1933 as a helping hand for industry, labor, and the unemployed. It granted labor additional benefits and guaranteed the right to orgainze through representatives of their own choosing. It was a part of Franklin D. Roosevelt's new plan, but was later declared unconstitutional. Symbol was the "Blue Eagle"
  • Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

    First Government owned corporation. Started to create jobs and build dams in the Tennessee River Valley to supply electricity to poorer areas after the depression.
  • Social Security Act of 1935

    It created a federal insurance program based on the automatic collection of taxes from employees and employers thoughout people's working careers. They would receive this money in a monthly pension when they reached the age of 65. The unemployed, disabled, and mothers with dependent children would also receive this money.
  • Wagner Act (National Labor Relations Act)

    Set up the National Labor Relations Board and reasserted the right of labor to engage in self-organization and to bargain collectively.
  • National Labor Relation Board

    Created by the National Labor Relations Act, also known as the Wagner Act it was created in the 1930's by congressman Wagner who was sympathetic to labor unions. The National Labor Relation Board was an administrative board that gave laborers the rights of self-
    organization and collective bargaining.
  • Federal Emergency Relief Act (FERA)

    Looked for immediate relief rather than long-term alleviation
  • Agricultural Adjustment Act

    Made available many millions of dollars to help farmers pay mortgages
  • Home Owner's Loan Corporation (HOLC)

    Refinance mortgages on non-farm homes
  • Civil Works Administration (CWA)

    Considered a branch of FERA; temporary jobs for the winter (leaf-raking, snow-shoveling, etc.)
  • Public Works Administration (PWA)

    long-range recovery by building public buildings, highways, and parkways
  • Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)

    Paid farmers to reduce crop acreage and would eliminate price-depressing surpluses; money required for this would pass the burden to consumers; unconstitutional
  • Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment

    Conservation; paid farmers to plant soil-conserving plants or let land lie fallow
  • Second Agricultural Adjustment Act

    More comprehensive and continues conservation payments
  • Frazier-Lemke Farm Bankruptcy Act

    Suspension of mortgage foreclosures for five years; voided by Supreme Court
  • Resettlement Administration

    Removing near farmless farmers to better land; 200 million trees are planted by CCC
  • Indian Organizational Act of 1934 (Indian New Deal)

    Encouraged the establishment of local self-governments for tribe, encourage tribes to preserve their culture, helped stop loss of Indian land (77 tribes refused)
  • Federal Securities Act ("Truth in Securities Act")

    Required promoters to transmit to the investor sworn information regarding the soundness of their stocks and bonds
  • Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

    Was designed as a watchdog administrative agency
  • Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935
    Resulted from multi-billion dollar financial crash of an empire
  • Federal Housing Administration (FHA)

    Stimulate the building industry through small loans to householders; loans provided to build new homes and improve existing homes
  • US Housing Authority (USHA)

    Lend money to states or communities for low-cost construction; first time slums stopped growing
  • Rural Electrification Act (REA)

    Created, financed, and worked with rural and farm electrical coorperatives to bring electricity to previously isolated areas
  • Fair Labor Standards Act (Wages and Hours Bill)

    Replaced the NRA; set up minimum wage and maximum hour standards and child labor laws
  • Reorganization Act

    Gave FDR limited powers for administrative reforms
  • Hatch Act of 1939

    Barred federal administrative officials, except the highest policy-making officers from active political campaigning and soliciting; forbade the use of government money for political purposes