Revolution: an organizedsocial, cultural, political, economic, scientific, or educationalchange. This is done to express opposition to the current leadership or policies.
Scientific revolution: a time of massivechange in thinking and belief
began in the mid-16th to 17thcenturies.
instrument in gaining a newperspective on the knowledge and beliefs of Europeans.
The former influence of the church on people'slives have decreased and weakened
Reason why it all started: Increasing number of universitiesstudying and teachinginnovativeideas. Getting in touch with Asianminds.Renaissanceeffect Beginning of exploration and sailing
Radioactivity - Marie and PierreCurie from the research of Henri Bequel
X-ray - WilliamRontgen
JulesHenri Poincare - is the solar system stable?
Airplane - Orville and WilburWright from Otto Lilienthal'sglider
Cadavers were used to study humananatomy.
Discovered the concept of magnetism and electricalproperties of various materials.
Modernization of dentistry, physiology, chemistry, and optics.
The mechanicalcalculator, steamengine, telescope, mercurybarometer were invented.
Nicolaus Copernicus: Ontherevolutionsofheavenly spheres 1543; GalileoGalilei: Dialogue- Concerning the TwoChiefWorldSystems
Nicolaus Copernicus: Heliocentrictheory was introduced
Tycho Brahe : 1546-1601, Danishastronomer. Theorized a system distinct from both the Ptolemaic and Copernican ones.
Moon and Sun revolve around the Earth while otherplanetsrevolve around the Sun (by tycho brahe)
Johannes Kepler: 1571-1630, Law of Planetarymotions. It was emphasized that the planets move in an elliptical motion and their speed is notuniform.
Kepler's three laws: Law of ellipses, law of equalareas, and law of harmonies
Telescope: Galileo Galilei
Sided with the CopernicanTheory: Galileo
The AlbertEinstein of the 17thCentury: Isaac Newton 1642-1727
Hubblespacetelescope: Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton proved through calculus that the discoveries of Kepler and Galileo were all part of the samelaw.
Newton pioneered the differentiation and integration used by mathematicians today togetherwithGottfriedLeibniz
Newton's three Laws of Motion: Law of inertia, law of acceleration, law of actionandreaction
Francis Bacon: NovumOrganum; Rene Descartes: DiscourseonMethodandmeditations
In this way, it is necessary to analyzespecific things in order todevelop a generalexplanation: Specific to General (Francis Bacon)
Father of ModernPhilosophy; Father of AnalyticalGeometryRene Descartes 1596-1650
Java Script
Engineering curves of buildings , models, objects
Computer Graphics - 2D to 3D
Calculating orbits of satellites and spacecraft
Cartography - GPS system
Law of Universal Gravitation: Isaac Newton 1642-1727
The terminology Cartesian Coordinate System or CartesianPlane comes from his name: Rene Descartes