Principles of right and wrong, called the _____, provide the
personal and professional rules of performance moral behaviour as set by
members of a profession.
Code of Ethics
without any discrimination and within the limits of the resources
Human dignity, convictions, integrity, individual needs and culture shall be respected
If any person cannot immediately given treatment that is medically necessary he shall. either be directed to wait for care or be referred elsewhere, where the appropriate care can be provided
Right to Appropriate Medical Care and Humane Treatment
"Clear, truthful and substantial explanation, in a manner and language understandable to the patient, of all proposed procedures, whether diagnostic, preventive, curative, rehabilitative or therapeutic...
""...Person who will perform the said procedure shall provide his name and credentials to the patient..."
Right to Informed Consent
"...The patient has the right to demand that all information, communication and records pertaining to his care be treated as confidential..."
Right to Privacy and Confidentiality
...Right to be informed of the result of the evaluation of the nature and extent of his/her disease...
Right to Information
"...The patient has the right to avail himself/herself of any recommended diagnostic and treatment procedures
"...Any person of legal age and of sound mind may make an advance written directive for physicians to administer terminal care when he/she suffers... terminal illness...'
Right to Self-Determination
"...The patient has the right to refuse medical treatment or procedures which may be contrary to his religious beliefs
...Provided. that such a right shall not be imposed by parents upon their children who have not reached the legal age in a life threatening situation as determined by the attending physician or the medical director of the facility..."
Right to Religious Belief
"...Provided, That, an institutional review board or ethical review board in accordance with the guidelines set in the Declaration of Helsinki be established for research involving human experimentation..."
Right to refuse participation in medical research
A wrongful act committed by one person against another that causes
harm to the person or his or her property.
What is the 3 intentional Tort?
threat to touch another person without his or her consent and with the intention of causing fear of harm(Attempting to touch the person)
actual harmful touching of a person without his or her consent.
spoken or written words that can injure a person’s reputation.
false defamatory writing that is published. (non verbal)
false and malicious spoken word (Verbal)
is the violation of the patient’s right to be left alone and the right to be free
from unwanted exposure to public view
e.g. -Entering a patient’s room without asking permission
Invasion of Privacy
misconduct or lack of skill by a health-care professional that results in injury to the patient
Medical Malpractice
as failure to give reasonable care by the health-care provider, must be proven in a malpractice suit