Operant Conditioning

Cards (43)

  • A learning model in which a behavior is strengthened or weakened by its consequences
    Operant Conditioning
  • Operant conditioning is also known as?
    Instrumental learning
  • The ABCs of Operant Conditioning?
    Antecedent, Behavior, Consequences
  • Prevailing conditions happening to environment that gives rise to behavior of the organism?
  • Anything organism does that can directly be measured?
  • Strengthened or weakened of the occurrence of a behavior
  • what are the 2 operant conditioning procedure?
    Reinforcement, Punishment
  • Increasing the strength or occurrence of a behavior due to its consequence?
  •  is a stimulus to increase the behavior?
  • Reinforce is not a Reward? True or False
  • adding something pleasurable?
    Positive reinforcement
  • something negative is taken out in the learning situation in order to increase the probability of the behavior from reccuring?
    Negative reinforcement
  • Decreasing the strength or occurrence of a behavior due to its consequence?
  • weakened the behavior of the organism?
  • added to situation?
    Positive Punishment
  • something positive is taken out in the situation?
    Negative punishment
  • The rules of describing the delivery of reinforcement?
    Schedules of Reinforcement
  • what are the 2 type of schedules of reinforcement?
    Continuous reinforcement schedule and Intermittent/partial reinforcement schedule
  • The simplest of all schedules?
    Continuous Reinforcement schedule
  • It is when reinforcement occurs on some occasions but not to others?
    Intermittent/Partial reinforcement schedule
  • A behavior is reinforced every time it occurs?
    Continuous reinforcement schedule
  • what are the 4 categories of intermittent schedules?
    Fixed Ratio, Variable Ratio, Fixed Interval, Variable Interval
  • Behavior is reinforced when it has occurred a number of times?
    Fixed Ratio
  • The number of behavior required for reinforcement varies around an average?
    Variable Ratio
  • Behavior is reinforced after a constant interval?
    Fixed Interval
  • A variable amount of time passes between each reinforcement?
    Variable Interval
  • What are the applications of operant conditioning?
    Animal Training, Education, Parenting, Gambling Behavior, Learned helplessness, Learned Industriousness, Superstitious Behavior
  • the reinforcement of successive approximations of a desired behavior?
  •  The process of training an organism to perform a behavior?
  • Breakdown the task is also known as?
    Task analysis
  • A procedure whereby a child is placed in a different, less-rewarding situation whenever he/she/it/they exhibits inappropriate behavior?
  • Maintained by VR schedule?
    Gambling behavior
  • Who performed the dog in a chamber experiment on learned helplessness?
    Martin Seligman and J. Bruce Overmier
  • The tendency to work hard at difficult tasks for a prolonged period when high level of effort & persistence are reinforced?
    Learned Industriousness
  • Any behavior that occurs even though it does not produce its intended consequences?
    Superstitious Behavior
    1. Highly Theoretical
    2. Human beings as automatons
    3. Knowledge base is mostly from studies with animals
    ⁃ Operant conditioning extends the scope of learning for human beings
    ⁃ Many of our behaviors and characteristics are products of operant conditioning
    ⁃ Just like classical conditioning, operant learning serves an adaptive value for us human
  • We should realize that most of the serious problems confronting our society are fundamentally behavior problems.
  • Once we recognize that, we then realize that we can prevent, solve, or at least improve these problems by changing behavior
  • A science of behavior change, of learning, becomes critically important and suggests certain solutions