temperature, cloud cover, wind speed, wind direction and its pressure
what is latitude?
distance from the equator
what is altitude?
height above sea level
what is aspect?
direction a slope faces
what is coastal influence?
Distance from the Sea
what is urban area?
city or countryside
how is relief rain caused?
clouds arrive in mountainous areas, the air that carries them is forced up, causing the cloud to rise. Ths triggers rainfall in the cloud as the cloud cools,
how is frontal rainfall caused?
The rain forms over oceans where warm air masses meet colder ones. The warm air rises condensing as it does so to form clouds. These fronts then travel east towards the uk west to be wetter
what is convectional rain?
forms over large bodies of water and is caused by rapidly rising air which condensed into very large clouds called cumulonimbus clouds.
what is air masses?
An air mass is a large body of air in which the temperature, humidity and pressure is very similar across it.
what is the source and properties of polar maritime air mass?
source: greenland
properties:wet and cold
weather:cold and showers
what is the source and properties of arctic maritime air mass?
source: Arctic
properties: wet and cold
weather: snow in winter
what is the source and properties of arctic continental air mass?
source: central europe
properties: cold in winter hot in summer
weather: snow in winter dry in summer
what is the source and properties of tropical continental air mass?
source: north Africa
properties: hot and dry
weather: hot in summer
what is the source and properties of tropical maritime air mass?
properties: atlantic
source: warm and moist
weather: cloudy, rain, mild
what is the impact from a Polar Continental Air Mass
people have to heat their homes more which costs them a lot of money making them poorer.
people couldn't run water because the water pipes broke and freezed.
people couldn't go to school so people was loosing education
hill sheep farmers had to bring their sheep inside because it was to cold so had to pay for food
what is the impacts of Tropical Continental Air Mass in Summer?
Very Hot, Very Dry, No wind
tourist industry benefit bcs more people want to go on holiday
heat will improve people's health bcs more people will go outside
The solar energy industry would benefit from the heat bcs there would be more sun to power peoples homes using solar panels.
The heat cause land to become dry and crops to die so there would be less food in the super markets
The heat related deaths would rise bcs it is too hot and more people will get sunstroke meaning that hospitals will be very busy.
what is the impact of Tropical Maritime Air Mass in Winter?
Very Wet (possible snow), Cold, High Winds
The wind industry would benefit from the strong winds because the stronger winds means that the wind turbines would produce more energy
The snow sport industry would benefit from
what is air preasure?
the weight of air molecules pushing down on the surface of the Earth. It is measured in MILLIBARS.
what is high preasure?
occurs when there are a lot of air molecules pushing down on the surface of the Earth.
what is low pressure?
occurs when there are fewer air molecules pushing down on the surface of the Earth.
in low pressure is the air rising or sinking?
rising - when it is less dense this is because it is heated by warmer temperatures.
in high pressure in air rising or sinking?
sinking - Air Sinks when it is more dense because it is colder due to colder temperatures
in low pressure is there many clouds?
many clouds -
Clouds form because warmer air is rising leading to more evaporation meaning water rises to form clouds due to condensation of the water high up.
are there many clouds in high preassure?
Few clouds
few clouds in the sky because the air is sinking which means clouds do not form.
in low pressure is the winds strong or weak?
Strong Winds
Winds are strong because air is moving towards this area.
in high pressure is the winds strong or weak?
Weak Winds
Winds are weak because air is moving away from this area.
in low pressure what is teh temperature like?
Cool or Cold
Summer temperature will be cooler because the clouds that come with Low Pressure block the sun.In Winter temperature will be warmer because the clouds that come with Low Pressure trap warmer air (especially at night)
in high pressure what is teh temperature like?
Warm or Very Cold
In Summer the temperature will be hotter because the lack of clouds in High Pressure areas means no sunlight is blocked, thus causing more heat.
In Winter the temperature will be very low because the lack of clouds in High Pressure means all heat escapes (especially at night) causing the temperature to fall
what is the weight of the air going to be in low preasure?
Less dense air
The weight of the air is likely to be less dense, below 1013mb because the air is rising (there is less air on the surface of the Earth in Low Pressure areas).
what is the weight of the air going to be in high preasure?
Dense air
The weight of the air is likely to be denser, over 1013mb because the air is sinking (there is more air on the surface of the earth in High Pressure areas).
what happen when isobars are close together?
WIND SPEED is STRONG - This is always seen in areas of Low Pressure.
what happen when isobars are far apart?
WEAK - This is always seen in area of High Pressure.
what direction does the wind travel in areas of low preasure?
what direction does the wind travel in areas of high pressure?