Exam 1

Cards (84)

  • The school nurse talking with a high school
    class about the difference between growth
    and development would best describe growth
    A. processes by which early cells specialize.
    B. psychosocial and cognitive changes
    C. qualitative changes associated with aging.
    D. quantitative changes in size or weight.
  • HEADSS assessment
    Home, Education, Activities, Drugs, Sexuality, Suicide
  • What is the very common assessment tool for gross and fine motor skills for 1-6 years old?
    Denver II
  • What population group is at the highest risk for impaired development?
  • developmental arrest
    not developing further
  • developmental milestones
    measurable key skills, such as learning to walk
  • developmental regression
    loss of developmental milestones
  • What is the last stage of the first stage of labor?
    transition phase
  • What is the increase to the peak of a contraction?
  • What is the beginning of one contraction to the end?
  • What is the beginning of one contraction to the beginning of the next?
  • What are 3 findings that should not be found in a pregnancy urine sample?
    protein, glucose, bacteria
  • 2 leading causes of death in women after labor?
    hemorrhage, infection
  • What is the sacral counter pressure used for?

    Pushes baby's head off of back nerves
  • If a patent is 2 cm/50%/-2, what stage of labor is she in?
  • Urge to bear down during labor
    Ferguson reflex
  • Bearing down efforts during labor
    Valsalva maneuver
  • What maneuver is used to prevent tearing during delivery?
    Ritgen maneuver
  • T or F: fundal pressure in encouraged during labor
  • What laceration extends through the skin and vaginal mucous membrane but not the underlying fascia and muscle?
    first degree
  • What laceration extends completely through the rectal mucosa, disrupting both the external and internal anal sphincters?
    fourth degree
  • T or F: the higher the number in degree of laceration, the worse it is

  • What is an incision in the perineum used to enlarge the vaginal outlet?
  • IUPC

    intrauterine pressure catheter
  • How long should the baseline FHR be read for?
    at least 2 minutes
  • What is the ideal variability range for FHR?
    6-25 bpm (average/moderate)
  • What FHR pattern indicates fetal distress?
    Sinusoidal pattern
  • When do periodic changes occur with FHR?
    With contractions
  • What type of decelerations in FHR should be intervened immediately?
    prolonged decelerations
  • T or F: early decelerations are in response to fetal head compression and are usually benign

  • The well-being of the fetus is monitored by what 2 things during labor?
    FHR, UCs
  • Term for a women who has never given birth
  • Doulas
    A trained professional who isn't a healthcare worker but provides support during labor
  • What type of pushing during labor is encouraged due to no restriction of oxygen to the fetus?
    open-glottis pushing
  • Why should closed-glottis pushing be avoided during labor?
    Cuts off oxygen to fetus
  • episiotomy
    surgical incision of the perineum to enlarge the vagina and so facilitate delivery during childbirth
  • Signs that placenta is ready to deliver (2)
    uterus rises upward, umbilical cord lengthens
  • After an emergency birth, the nurse encourages the woman to breastfeed her newborn. The primary purpose of this activity is to:
    a. Facilitate maternal-newborn interaction
    b. Stimulate the uterus to contract
    c. Prevent neonatal hypoglycemia
    d. Initiate the lactation cycle
  • Category I FHR (3)
    FHR baseline is 110-160 bpm, variability is moderate, early decelerations may be present
  • Category II FHR (3)
    Bradycardia or tachycardia, minimal or no baseline variability, no accelerations with fetal stimulation