7. Expressing your emotion by how it makes you feel, not how others make you feel
Healthy relationship
Positively impacts health
Characteristics of a healthy person
Mental health
Emotional health
Social health
Mental health
Helps realize abilities
Promotes productivity and effectiveness
Builds healthy relationships
Allows adaptation to changes and avoids stress
Promotes alert mind, analysis, interpretation, learning from mistakes, recognizing achievements of others, acting on right information
Develop and nurture mental health
1. Liking yourself
2. Being good to yourself
3. Examining your behavior
4. Accepting your limitations
5. Dealing with a problem as it arises
6. Establishing realistic goals
7. Expressing your emotion by how it makes you feel, not how others make you feel
Develop and nurture mental health
1. Being optimistic (positive thinker)
2. Surround yourself with positive people
3. Engage yourself with healthy activities
4. Eat healthy meals
5. See a doctor for mental health check-ups
Emotional health
Aware of feelings and how to express them
Ability to control feelings, thoughts, behaviors
Stay emotionally healthy
1. Think before you act
2. Being aware of your emotions and reactions
3. Expressing your feelings in a healthy way
4. Manage stress
5. Connect with others
Social health
Ability to get along with others
Give and accept help
Respect others' uniqueness
Comfortably adapt to social situations
Make meaningful relationships
Signs of being socially healthy
Adapting in social situations
To be yourself in all situations
Treating others with respect
Engage with other people in the community
Being able to maintain relationship or friendship
Having fun in life
Signs of an unhealthy person: Relationships not built on mutual respect and equality, feeling constantly afraid, depressed or angry, threats, intimidation, and isolation affecting self-worth, mental, emotional and physical abuse
You can ask help from teachers, guidance counselor, priest and trusted adults in your family
Your personal health is your right as well as your responsibility, so choose what makes you healthy inside and out
Healthy relationships
Start at home
Show care, commitment, respect, appreciation, communication and cooperation
Healthy relationships do not just happen, you need to work at it by being involved in school and community, especially with family members
Having healthy relationships will help you have a positive outlook in life which affects your overall wellness