Cards (8)

  • Alkenes
    Contain at least one carbon-carbon double bond
  • Alkenes
    • a.k.a. olefins
    • Classified as unsaturated hydrocarbons
    • suffix: -ene
  • The general formula for an alkene with n carbons is CnH2n.
  • Geometric Isomers
    • Compounds which describes certain arrangements of atoms within molecules.
    • Also known as cis-trans isomerism
  • Cis-isomer
    Two particular atoms or group of atoms are adjacent to each other
  • Reactions of Alkenes
  • Hydrogenation
    Addition reaction; two hydrogen atoms are added across the double bond of an alkene, resulting in a saturated alkane.
    A) Alkene to alkane
  • Trans-isomer

    Two groups are across each other