Extreme Christian culture - Rosie McClure
The other superstar, Rosie McClure from Alabama, preaches a form of "religious hedonism" based on the Beatles' song "All You Need is Love," with a message of universal salvation.
From James's point of view, Rosie's religion is an illusion as she denies the reality of evil and depicts a God with no moral values except the desire "that all his children shall be happy".
Both Roger and Rosie have abandoned the religion of the New Testament and its message of sacrifice and redemption. Rosie has even "virtually abolished the Second Person of the Trinity together with His cross, substituting a golden orb of the sun in glory, like a garish Victorian pub sign", calling people to a Christianity without Christ and without judgement.
The cross was important to James partly because, as she wrote elsewhere, "it had been carried with its message of love and forgiveness into the darkest hells of human imagining". Without it, for her, the message of the Church has no power.