The means to ends, and these ends concern the purpose and objectives of the organisation. They are the things that businesses do, the paths they follow, and the decisions they take, in order to reach certain points and level of success.
An art as well as science of formulating, implementing and evaluating decisions across functional areas to help an organisation in achieving its objectives
A company’s strategy consists of the combination of competitivemoves and businessapproaches that managers employ to please customers, compete successfully, and achieve organisational objectives.
he has described strategy as:
“.. developing and communicating the company’s unique position, making trade-offs, and, forgingfit among activities.
According to Kotler
“Policies define how the company will deal with stakeholders, employees, customers, suppliers, distributors, and other important groups. Policies narrow the range of individual discretions so that the employees act consistently on important issues.”
Strategic Management is the art and science of formulating, implementing and evaluating cross-functional decisions that enable an organisation to achieve its objectives.
Strategy is defined as “the direction and scope of an organization over the long term”