People with major contributions

Cards (19)

  • Strategy
    The determination of the basic long term-goals and objectives of an enterprise and the adoption of the courses of action and the allocation of resources necessary for carrying out these goals
  • Strategy
    The pattern of objectives, purpose, goals, and the major policies and plans for achieving these goals stated in such a way so as to define what business the company is in or is to be and the kind of company it is or is to be
  • Corporate strategy

    The common thread among the organisation's activites and product-markets that defines the essential nature of business that the organisation was or planned to be in future
  • Strategy
    A unified, comprehensive and integrated plan designed to assure that the basic objectives of the enterprise are achieved
  • Corporate strategy

    A set of decision-making rules for the guidance of organisational behaviour
  • Strategy
    A pattern in a stream of decisions and actions
  • Intended strategy

    Plans that managers develop
  • Emergent strategy

    Activities that actually happen
  • Strategy
    Developing and communicating the company's unique position, making trade-offs, and forging fit among activities
  • Strategic position

    Based on customer's needs, customer's accessibility, or the assortment of products and services offered by the company
  • Competitive advantage

    Creating a unique proposition by selecting actions distinct from those of its counterparts, or on executing similar activities in distinctive ways
  • Sustainable strategic position
    Creating a fit of activities by trade-off between different activities to ensure that they relate to each other
  • Alfred D Chandler (1962): 'Chandler analysed the dynamic relationships between business environment, organisations and strategy.'
  • Kenneth Andrews (1965): 'Andrew is known for being a part of the group of professors who contributed in developing the subject of Business Policy.'
  • Igor Ansoff (1965): 'Ansoff, explained corporate strategy as: "The common thread among the organisation's activites and product-markets… that defines the essential nature of business that the organisation was or planned to be in future."'
  • William F Glueck (1972): 'Glueck discussed strategy as "a unified, comprehensive and integrated plan designed to assure that the basic objectives of the enterprise are achieved."'
  • Igor Ansoff (1984): 'Ansoff, while contributing to the field of strategic management in 1984, again explained corporate strategy as: "a set of decision-making rules for the guidance of organisational behaviour."'
  • Henry Mintzberg (1987): 'Mintzberg opined that strategies not necessarily arise from logical planning but may also result from what is unplanned.'
  • Michael E Porter (1996): 'The contributions of Porter in the conceptualisation of strategy are valuable. He is known for his ideas on competitive advantage, five forces model, generic strategies and value chain.'