small businesses were allowed to operate so were allowed to produce consumer goods as they had realised that the state had neglected private consumer goods for state industries
money was re-introduced as rationing and trade was proving to be too inefficient and time consuming. allowed entrepreneurs to buy and sell
state kept control of big industries like steel, coal and banking but these now had to operate within budgets and set targets
A) sell foodstuffs at a profit in cities
B) buy simple manufactured goods in cities
C) take to a country and sell at a profit to peasants
D) scoured villages buying up all produce
the NEP was successful which annoyed the communists
there was a general revival in economy
production of most goods reached pre-war levels
production doubled between 1920 and 1923
small businesses recovered faster than heavy industry which was controlled by the government
unemployment increased in urban areas as workers were laid off
the incentive to work returned as there were products to buy again meaning more reason to work, buy, sell or trade