Cards (100)

  • What genera are included in the family of Micrococcaceae (4)
    Hint: SSMP

  • Based on the Gram stain result, how is the morphology of the following different:

    ■ Staphylococci - Cocci in clusters (grape like)

    ■ Micrococcus - Cocci in Tetrads
  • Sarcina spp. are can be identified from other members of Micrococci using Gram's stain because?
    Its cocci clusters are in packets of 8.
  • What is the characteristic growth pattern of Staphylococci in BAP?

    Creamy white, pin head colonies on BAP, with characteristic hemolytic pattern based on spp.
  • What are the 3 types of hemolytic patterns?
    ■Alpha - incomplete hemolysis - green zone
    ■Beta- complete hemolysis - clear zone
    ■Gamma - no hemolysis
  • What is produced by Alpha-hemolytic organisms that results to its characteristic color on blood agar plates?
    ■Met hemoglobin - MHb
  • This is a special hemolytic pattern characterized by incomplete hemolysis with an inner zone of complete hemolysis?
    ■Alpha-prime Hemolysis
  • Staphylococcus aureus is characterized by what type of hemolytic pattern on BAP?
    ■Beta hemolysis
  • Differentiate the growth patterns of the following organisms in LSS:
    1. Staph. aureus
    2. Staph. citreus
    3. Staph. albus
    1. Staph. aureus - Golden yellow
    2. Staph. citreus - Lemon yellow
    3. Staph. albus - Porcelain White
  • What is the meaning of LSS?
    Loeffler's Serum Slant
  • ■This is considered as a selective differential media for Staph. aureus and other medically important Staph. spp

    ■What is the color indicator used?
    ■What is the sugar used?
    ■What other Staph spp. [Results]?(2)
    MSA - Mannitol Salt Agar
    ■ Color Indicator: Phenol red
    ■ Sugar: Mannitol

    Other Staph spp.
    ■S.aureus - yellow
    ■S.epidermidis and S. saphrophyticus - pink
  • What is the inhibiting substance used in MSA?
    ■7.5% NaCl
  • ■What is the test used to differentiate Non-mannitol fermenting Staphylococcus spp.?

    ■What is the result of each spp?
    ■Novobiocin Test

    ■S. epidermidis - susceptible
    ■S. saphrophyticus - resistant
  • ■What test is used to differentiate Staphylococcus from Streptococcus?

    ■What reagent is used? [Indicate the percentage]
    ■What is the positive result? [Indicate the organism]
    ■Catalase test
    ■Reagent - 3% Hydrogen Peroxide

    ■Positive result: Effervescence
    ■Staphylococcus spp. (+)
  • What is the precaution when performing Catalase test?
    ■Do not add 3% Hydrogen Peroxide directly on the blood agar plate, blood contains catalase!!!
  • Based on Aerobic and Anaerobic growth differentiate Staph. aureus from Micrococci spp. ?
    ■Staph. aureus - grows on both aerobic and anaerobic conditions (facultative aerobe)

    ■Micrococcus - grows on aerobic conditions only (obligate aerobe)
  • What drug susceptibility tests may be used to differentiate Staphylococcus spp. from Micrococci spp.?(2)
    ■Lysostaphin test
    ■Bacitracin test
  • Indicate the results of each spp.
    Lysostaphin test
    ■Staph. spp. - Sensitive
    ■Micrococcus - Resistant

    Bacitracin test
  • ■What reagent is used in oxidase test?

    ■What is added in the modified oxidase test?

    ■What is the result if the organism is:
    - Staphylococcus spp.
    - Micrococci
    ■Oxidase test - tetra methyl paraphenylene diamine dihydrochloride
    ■Modified Oxidase test - addition of dimethyl sulfonamide

    ■Staphylococcus spp. - negative
    ■Micrococcus spp. - positive
  • ■What is the metabolism mechanism of the following:
    1.Staphylococcus spp.
    2.Micrococcus spp.
    ■Staphylococcus - fermentation
    ■Micrococcus - oxidation
  • ■What test is used to detect the most important pathogenic determinant of Staphylococcus aureus?

    ■What are the two types of this test? [Differentiate the two based form detected]
    ■Coagulase test

    - Slide Coagulase test - Cell bound coagulase
    - Tube Coagulase test - Free coagulase
  • Reagent used in each type of coagulase test
    ■ Slide Coag. - Rabbit plasma/serum

    ■ Tube Coag - 0.5ml Rabbit plasma
  • ■What anticoagulants maybe used in Coagulase test?(2)
    ■Which is the preferred anticoagulant?
    ■EDTA - Preferred
    ■Citrate - may cause false positive
  • ■What is the maximum allowable time to perform tube coagulase test?

    ■The test should be checked at what time interval?
    ■Maximum of 4 hours
    ■Checked every 30mins
  • ■Why is there a need for the maximum allowable time when performing coagulase test?
    ■Because there might be false negative due to the presence of break-down substances like fibrinolysins
  • ■Negative coagulase tests are confirmed after how many hours?

    ■At what temperature are the negative tests stored?
    ■Confirm results after 20hours
    ■Store negative results at 4`C
  • What may be the cause of false positive in coagulase test?
    ■Citrate anticoagulant + Citrate utilizing organism = release of calcium

    ■ results to clot/clump formation
  • Examples of Coagulase positive Staphylococcus spp. [4]
    ■S. aureus subsp. aureus
    ■S. intermedius
    ■S. hyicus
    ■S. scleiferi subsp. Coagulans
  • What tests may be used to differentiate each?
    ■Tube coag.
    ■PYR test
  • What is the result expected from Coag. Positive Staphylococcus spp.?
    ■S. aureus sbsp. aureus
    - Tube coag.: +
    - VP: +
    - PYR: -

    ■S. intermedius
    - Tube coag.: V
    - VP: -
    - PYR: +

    ■S. hyicus
    - Tube coag.: V
    - VP: -
    - PYR: -

    ■S. scleiferi sbsp. coagulans
    - Tube coag.: +
    - VP: +
    - PYR: +
  • ■DNAse Test may be used to identify S. aureus, what other organisms can be identified by this test?(2)
    ■DNAase positive organisms
  • Contents of the DNAse media?
    DNA Media
    Methyl Green
  • Positive result of DNAse test?
  • ■What is the action of protein A?

    ■What is its action on immunoglobulins?
    ■Inhibition of phagocytosis

    ■Naturally absorbs the Fc portion of Immunoglobulins
  • Enzymes released by Staphylococcus aureus(5)
    Hint: HDL CS

    ■Hyaluronidase -spreading factor
    ■Coagulase - initiates clot formation
    ■Staphylokinase -fibrinolysin
  • Toxins released by Staph. aureus (4)
    Hint: SHEL

  • ■What is the effect of exfoliative toxin?

    ■What is the effect of enterotoxins?
    ■Exfoliative toxin - Scalded skin syndrome/Ritter's disease

    ■Enterotoxin - Toxic shock syndrome
  • Other name for leukocidins?
    Pantou-Valentin Factor
  • ■This is the
    Streptococcus spp.classification that is based on antigenic group-specific cell wall polysaccharide.
    ■The pathogenic spp. ofStrep. belongs to what group in this classification?
    ■Lancefield classification
    ■Group A
  • ■What is the common medically important Strep. spp. in Group B of the Lancefield classification?
    [aside fromS.pyogenes]
    ■This spp. is most commonly associated with what infections?■Streptococcus viridans (Manuel)
    ■ Streptococcus agalactiae (Mahon)
    ■Neonatal infections