Cognitive structure utilized to make sense of the world
Secondary Reinforcer
Reinforcer other than one which meets our basic needs such as food or water (e.g., intellectual stimulation, money, praise)
Selection Bias
Errors in the selection and placement of subjects into groups that results in differences between groups which could effect the results of an experiment
Self Actualization
Process of understanding oneself more completely and being aware of issues affecting one's life
Self Efficacy
One's belief in his or her own ability
Self Serving Bias
Tendency to assign internal attributes to successes and external factors to failures
Semantic Memory
Part of declarative memory that stores general information such as names and facts
Information brought in through the senses
Sensory Memory
Brief storage of information brought in through the senses; typically only lasts up to a few seconds
Sexual Orientation
Feeling of attractedness or arousal associated with a particular gender. Sexual behavior can be a result of this but does not necessarily define a person's orientation
Gradually molding a specific response by reinforcing responses that come close to the desired response
Short Term Memory
Stage of memory where information is stored for up to 30 seconds prior to either being forgotten or transferred to long term memory
Skinner, B. F.
Considered the father of behavioral therapy. He once stated that with the ability to control a child's environment, he could raise a child to become anything he wanted
Social Facilitation
Effect of other's presence on one's performance. Typically we perform simple or well-learned tasks better in front of others and difficult or novel tasks worse
Social Loafing
Tendency for people to work less on a task the greater the number of people are working on that task
Social Psychology
Branch of psychology which focuses on society and it's impact on the individual
Social Roles
Accepted behaviors associated with a particular position within a group
Standard Deviation
A statistical formula used to determine the amount of difference expected from one score to the next
A temporary internal characteristic (e.g., depressed, angry)
State Dependent Memory
The theory that information learned in a particular state of mind (e.g., depressed, happy, somber) is more easily recalled when in that same state of mind
Anything in the environment to which one responds
The process of saving information in long term memory
The physical and psychological result of internal or external pressure
Anything, internal or external, which applies psychological pressure on an individual
A defense mechanism where undesired or unacceptable impulses are transformed into behaviors which are accepted by society
In Psychoanalytical theory, the part of the personality that represents the conscience
Hans Eysenck's term for his two distinct categories of personality traits. They include Introversion-Extroversion and Neuroticism. According to Eysenck, each of us fall on a continuum based on the degree of each supertraits
The defense mechanism where we push unacceptable thoughts out of consciousness and into our unconscious
A research technique in which subjects respond to a series of questions
Aristotle's theory of reasoning where two true statements are followed by a single logical conclusion
Systematic Desensitization
A treatment technique where the client is exposed to gradually increasing anxiety provoking stimuli while relaxing; the goal is for the client to eventually confront a phobia or fear without the previously associated anxiety
The sense of touch
Thematic Apperception Test
A person's typical way of responding to his or her environment
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
A subjective personality test where ambiguous pictures are shown to a subject and they are asked to tell a story related to them
A general idea about the relationship of two or more variables
A relatively permanent internal characteristic (e.g., friendly, outgoing)
Intense feelings directed toward the therapist that many clients experience in the process of therapy
Type A Personality
A theory used to describe a person with a significant number of traits focused on urgency, impatience, success, and excessive competition
Type B Personality
A theory used to describe person with a significant number of traits focused on relaxation, lack of urgency, and normal or reduced competition