Purposely disabling or destroying part of the brain in order to study the functions of diffrent areas of the brain.
Creation of new cognitive schema (concept to help organize/interpret info) when objects, experiences or other info does not fit with existing schema
Action Potential
The firing of a neuron. Occurs when the charge inside a neuron becomes more positive than the charge outside.
Behavior that is unselfish and may even be detrimental, but that behavior benefits others.
Loss of memory. Usually only a partial loss such as for a period of time or biographical information (background and life-history)
The physiological (body's response to behavior/activity) and psychological (mental effect) reaction to expected danger. Can be real or imagined.
Impairment of the ability to communicate through oral or written discourse as a result of brain damage.
Arousal Theory
Theory stating we are motivated by innate desire to maintain an optimal level of arousal
Incorporating objects, experiences, or info into existing schema (concept to help organize/interpret info).
Phenomenon in learning where we are able to remember information better, when it is paired with something we are familiar with or stands out.
Strong bond created a child forms with primary caregiver.
Idea or belief about the etiology (factors or causes responsible for/or related to development of disorder) of certain behaviors.
Authoritarian [parents]
Parenting style focused on excessive rules, rigid belief system, and expectation of unquestioned obedience.
Authoritative [parent]
Parenting style focused on setting reasonable rules and expectations while encouraging communication and independence.
Availability Heuristic
A type of bias, stating that information more readily available in our memory is more important than information not as easily accessible.
Aversion Therapy
Type of behavioral treatment where an aversive stimuli (unpleasant) is paired with a negative behavior in hopes the behavior will change in the future to avoid the aversive stimuli.
Tail-like part of a neuron where info exits the cell, the nerve impulse can then be carried away from the cell body to other neurons, muscle or gland cells.
When the heart has electrical activity and fires abnormally, doctors can use_______ on parts through laser treatment.
Cardiac Ablation
A child sees a zebra for the first time. She says, "Horse!" What concept does this example describe?
Giving lunch money to a friend with no expectations or desire for them to pay you back is an example of?
Recalling childhood memories or past presidents, but forgetting what you had for breakfast is...
Feeling tense, nervous, having a sense of dread. Can feel like the world is speeding up or slowing down. These are symptoms for?
A individual is unable to communicate after a car crash as a result of brain damage. What condition is this known as?
Seeing a new breed of a dog and grouping it in with the other ''dogs"
Whenever you have pie you feel warmth and happy since you always had pie at your grandmas. This is known as?
A parent believes that if a child plays to much video games that those video games will be responsible for any future disorders. This is an example of?
After seeing in the news multiple car thefts you believe it is much more common than it actually is.
Availability Heuristic
Putting unpleasant tasting substances on nails to stop the behavior of nail chewing.
Aversion Therapy
Behavior Modification
Application of behavioral theory to change a specific behavior.
Behavior Therapy
Application of behavioral theory (ex: conditioning/reinforcement) for the treatment of mental illness.
School of psychology that follows the belief that behavior is measurable and can be changed through the application of various behavioral princables.
Broca's Aphasia
an aphasia (not being able to communicate due to brain damage) with damage to Broca's area of brain, demonstrated by impairment in producing understandable speech.
Cell Body (Soma)
main part of a neuron where information is processed.
A young child's tendency to focus only on their own perspective of a specific object and failure to understand others may see things differently.
Chemical Imbalance
Generic term for the idea that a chemical is either to scare or to abundant resulting in a mental disorder such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.
Classical Conditioning
Behavioral technique of pairing a naturally occurring stimulus and response chain with a different stimulus in order to produce a response that is not naturally occurring.
Client-Centered Therapy
Humanistic therapy, based on Carl Rogers beliefs that an individual has unlimited capacity for psychological growth and will continue to grow unless barriers are put in the way.
Coercive Power
Power derived through the ability to punish.
Process of retrieving, processing, storing and using info.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Treatment involving the combination of behaviorism (based on theories of learning) and cognitive therapy (based on the theory that our cognitions or thoughts control a large portion of our behaviors.