The process by which sounds, syllables, and words are formed when your tongue, jaw, teeth, lips, and palate alter the air stream coming from the vocal folds
Vocal tract
Tube like series of cavities beginning at vocalfolds and ending at lips. The shapes of these cavities are determined by the articulators
Structures which directly form portion of vocal tract wall, or are directly attached to wall. May be movable or non-movable
Movable Articulators
Soft Palate
Fixed Articulators
Hard Palate
Purposes of Articulators
To controlairflow simultaneously with changingvocaltractshape in order to create soundstream
Primary Role: Alter shape of vocal tract, Change filter characteristics of the tract (shape control = acoustic phenomenon)
Secondary Role: Alter flow characteristics of the vocal tract, Create sources of vibrational energy (airflow control = aerodynamic phenomenon)
Source-filter model
Speech results from convolution of source sound (e.g. voicing, frication) and filtereffects (vocal tract, articulation). Source and filter are independent, hence harmonics and formants are independent
Tongue, oral cavity, and pharyngeal cavity shapes determine different vowel sounds
Characteristics of Movable Articulators
Behavior affected by different active and passive forces, Interact with the cavity in which they "reside", Focus is on how the change in the shape of the articulators changes the shape of the cavity
Biomechanical Properties of Lips
Small mass relative to forces available, Highly elastic with strong recoil forces, Very small damping, Fasttwitch muscle
Biomechanical Properties of Mandible
Large mass and inertia, Not applicable stiffness as it doesn't change shape, Very small damping, Large and fast muscle forces but trade-off in precision
Mandible Interaction with other Articulators
Affects position of other primaryarticulators, Influences overall size of oralcavity
The mandible is not classified as a "primary articulator" as no speech sounds are formed directly by the jaw
The medial (internal) pterygoid and lateral (external) pterygoid are the primary muscles acting on the mandible in speech
Biomechanical Properties of Tongue
Low inertia, Capable of being moved and shaped by intrinsic and extrinsic musculature, Muscular hydrostat structure allows for quick and precise changes in shape
Vowel and consonant articulation are tied to different tongue shapes and positions within the oral cavity
Musculature arranged in different arrays that allow for changes in structure shape without changing volume
Selective contraction of different muscle fibers can both move the tongue, and change its shape without changing its volume
Muscle contractions acting to decrease cross sectional area may elongate the structure
Muscular Hydrostats in other animals: Possible ranges of motion similar to octopus tentacle or elephant trunk
Finite Element models of the Tongue
1. Some investigators have attempted to model tongue shapes in terms of geometric components
2. Can predict what muscle activationlevels of which muscles will shape the tongue a certain way
3. Each cell contains equations that capture biomechanical properties of tissue in that cell
4. Active and passive properties
5. Forces applied to or generated within one cell will affect surrounding cells
Surgical Modifications of the Tongue
Mouth floor resection
Velopharyngeal Mechanism
Valve that couples and decouples oral and nasal cavities
If valving action not timed appropriately, or is not achieved, "abnormal" speech output may result
Velopharyngeal Mechanism
Sagittal velar elevation movements occur superiorly and posteriorly
Mass: Low Inertia — Negligible relative to muscle forces available
Stiffness: Variable — through uvulus activation
Damping: Very small — negligible effect
The velum can adjust to wide range of task demands
Shape Change of the Velum
1. Mainly superior/posterior and inferior/anterior
2. Becomes "hooked" when moving upward/backward
3. Top of the hook is the velar eminence
4. Undersurface of hook is the velar dimple
5. Velar knee or dimple due to insertion of the palatal levator
6. Contraction lifts up the middle of the velum
Other Contributions to VP Closure
Pharyngeal walls also play a role
Generally accepted that posterior PW movement not sufficient to be of significance during speech production
Various strategies for closing velopharyngeal port (VP) have been identified
Strategies may vary based on individual anatomy
May also change overtime as anatomy changes
Unlike with the tongue, VP muscle activity during speech is often measured
Role of the Palatal Levator
Palatal levator is primary muscle associated with velarelevation
Levator, glossopalatine, and pharyngopalatine form coordinative structure to position VP mechanism
Role of the Palatal Tensor
Palatal tensor largely inactive during speech
More active on swallow and to open Eustachian tube
Role of the Uvulus
Uvulus may act to increase stiffness of VP seal
As the Uvulus straightens out the velum, it helps to increase tightness of seal
Role of the Pharyngopalatine
Pharyngopalatine may produce fine adjustments in velar height when velumelevated
May also be involved in pharyngeal adjustments
Role of the Glossopalatine
Glossopalatine is natural antagonist to palatal levator
Palatal elevation to close the VP is normally driven by muscle activation
Palatal lowering to open the VP is often largely driven by gravity and the stiffness of the velum when no time constraints
Glossopalatine helps to lower palate when time constraints dictate fast lowering
Also activated during elevation, as part of the coordinative structure
As with the tongue, some have attempted to model soft palate movement using FiniteElementModeling
Task dynamics
Model describes physical characteristics of articulatory movements based on variables that could be control parameters
Mass > mass of articulator
Damping and spring stiffness > antagonistic muscle activations, skin and tissue characteristics
No direct one-to-one relation
Task dynamics - articulatory "gestures"
1. Velum opening
2. Opening of tongue body
3. Lip closure
4. Opening of vocal folds
Coordinative structures/functional synergies
Muscles and articulators form coordinative structures to realize higher-level articulatory goals
Speech production & perception: Speech is fluent, continuous, each segment has unique vocaltractshape but no discrete jumps
The phenomenon that the specific properties of articulator movements are contextdependent as articulatory movements overlap in time and interact with one another
Acoustically, this manifests itself as the realizations of consecutivespeechsegments affecting each other mutually
The effect is non-directional
Perseveratory or carry-over coarticulation: Influences of a segment on a following segment
Anticipatory coarticulation: Influences of an upcoming segment on a preceding segment
Coarticulation is not limited to adjacent segments and can occur across syllables
Consequences of coarticulation: Allophonic variation due to phonetic contexts, articulatory and acoustic continuity between consecutive sounds
Lips are optimized to move quickly and with percision
Jaw position is more about speed and strength than fine position control
Phonetic effects of the lips
Bilabial closure
Labiodental articulation
Lip rounding
Lip protusion
Upper and lower lips are often treated as a single articulator - coordinative structure