
Cards (20)

  • Milankovitch cycles

    100,000 year cycle →90,000 years glacials( cold + ice), 10,000 interglacial (warm, -ice)
  • Rocky Coasts

    1,000 km of the UK's coastline, mainly north and west
  • South Dorset Coast (Jurassic Coast)

    - concordent coastline - limestone and clay
    - AND discordent
    - headlands and bays present
  • Holderness Coast

    - examining coastal processes and their associated features
    - coastal erosion and deposition present
    - Flamborough head to Spurn Point
    - erosional features present - caves, arches and stacks
    - Spurn Point - evidence of longshore drift - depositional landform
  • Seychelles
    - 80% of residents live and work at the coast
  • Maldives - impacts of climate change

    - 1.5 meters above sea level
    - large population of 400,000, too large to be accomodated elsewhere.
  • Tuvalu - impacts of climate change

    - low-lying country at risk from coastal flooding and therefore vulnerable to climate change
    - risk of environmental refugees, water contamination
    - small land mass restricts Tuvalu's economy
    - 6-7 co2 emitted every year, animals drowning
  • Intergrated coastal zone management (ICZM)

    - 1992
    - manages the entire coastal zone
    - recognises stakeholders
    - long-term
  • DEFRA policies

    - No active intervention
    - Hold the line
    - Strategic realignment
    - Advance the line
  • Haiti (LIC)

    - 2010
    - richter 7
    - 320,000 dead
    - 1 milliion homeless
    - spread of disease-Cholera
    - 1in5 lost jobs
    - $430m in aid.
  • Tohoku (HIC)

    - 2011
    - richter 9
    - 15,854 dead
    - 1/2m homeless
    - Fukushima Tsunami
    - Damage = $235b
    - 3 min warning
  • Monserrat
    - 1995-97
    - destructive plate
    - pyroclsatic flows/ash
    - 2/3rds evacuated
    - 75% farmland lost
    - £42m in aid
  • Iceland
    - 2010
    - constructive
    - glacial/ash cloud
    - predicted
    - 0 dead
    - livestock indoors
    - 107,000 flights cancelled
    - Industries lost money from lack of flights and trade - Kenyan farmers
  • Hurricane Katrina

    - 2005
    - South-Eastern states of the US
    - Cat 4
    - 6m storm surges
    - 1m homeless
    - 1200 drowned
    - $50b aid
  • Typhoon Haiyan

    - 2013
    - Philippines
    - cat 5
    - 195 mph winds
    - +10,000 dead
    - 400,000 people evacuated.
  • UK heatwave

    - 2003
    - 39℃
    - 2,000 heat related deaths
    - hosepipe bans
    - farming affected
  • Sahara
    - low rainfall - less than 70mm a year
    - diurnal temperature
    - 42℃
    - solar power- 2 million homes in Tunisia
    - minerals - phosphate oil and gas
  • Amazon
    - 750,000km sq destroyed
    - 70% due to cattle ranching
    - trans Amazonia highway
    - stores 100b tonnes of co2
    - lost 55m tonnes of soil
    - selective logging, ecotourism, afforestation
  • Holderness Coast

    - boulder clay
    - 1.8m land lost a year
    - 11km protected by hard engineering- Easington gas terminal
    - Mappleton- rock armour= £2m
  • Spurn Head

    - Holderness Coast
    - LSD/ deposition
    - estuary
    - hook/curve
    - change wind direction
    - mud flats
    - salt marshes