Cellularelements, redbloodcells (RBCs), whitebloodcells (WBCs), and platelets (Plts) are enumerated and classified in all bodyfluids and in the bonemarrow
The MLT or MLS can detect disorders such as leukemia, anemia, other blood diseases, and infection and monitor their treatment
Small, irregularlyshaped disks formed from the cytoplasm of very large cells in the bone marrow called the megakaryocytes [largest cell in the bone marrow]
Lifespan: 9-12days
Average number: between 140,000 and 440,000 per microliter of blood
Play a vital role in blood clotting in all stages of the coagulation mechanism
Sometimes a part of the hematology section, but in larger laboratories, it is a separate section
Specimen: Plasma from lightbluestoppertubes (Sodium citrate)
The overall process of hemostasis is evaluated; this includes: Platelets, Coagulation factors, Inhibitors, Blood vessels, Fibrinolysis, Anticoagulant therapy (heparin and Coumadin)
Needed for the microscopic of blood cells that is performed for the differential blood cell count, for special staining procedures, and for nonautomated reticulocyte counts
Should be collected before other samples to avoid platelet clumping