Electromagnetic spectrum - it shows the arrangement of electromagnetic waves according to their wavelength
Hydropower - it is the most reliable renewable energy available in the world
primarycells - a battery that is assigned to be used as to be used as once
microwaves - they have the ability to penetrate vapor, precipitation and snow, clouds and smoke.
Hydroelectricity - energy that generates power by using a dam or diversion structure or alter the natural flow of a river for other body of water
Mechanicalwaves - waves that need a medium to propagate. Sound, ripples, earthquakes, tsunamis, waves traveling through the strings of a guitar, and stadium waves generated by spectators is an exciting gam es are example of this
Solarcells - A device design to turn sunlight into electricity
Renewableenergy - Energy derived from natural sources that are replenished at a higher rates than they are consumed
Fossilfuels - A hydro containing material such as coil, oil, and natural gas
Geothermal - Energy comes from the heat beneath earth surfaces