The spiritual self is the most intimate, inner subjective part of the self according to William
Spiritual self is the most intimate version of the self because of the satisfaction experienced when thinking of one’s ability to argue and discriminate of one’s moral sensibility and conscience and our unconquerable will is purer than all other sentiments of satisfaction.
According to Rebecca Stein, religion is a set of cultural beliefs and practices that usually
include some or all of the basic characteristics. These characteristics are: 1) a belief in an
anthropomorphic supernatural being; 2) performance of ritual activities that involve manipulation
of sacred object to communicate to supernatural beings to influence events; 3) provide the
creation and maintenance of social bonds and mechanism of social control within a community. As
1)A downturn in religious interest among college students in the 21st
century; 2) various aspects of religion were found to have positive effects like such as behaving in a
more socially acceptable manner; 3) Girls are more likely religious than boys
Measured by frequency of prayer, frequency of discussingreligiousteachings, frequency of deciding moralactions for religious reasons.
Religiousness and spirituality are two different things in an individual.
Is the degree of affiliation a person is to an organizedreligion in terms of participation in the prescribed
rituals and practices.
on the other hand, involves experiencing something beyondoneself in a transcendent manner and living in a way that benefits others and societies.
A high
level of spirituality leads to a higher level of self-efficacy.
Rituals ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order.
An inevitable component of culture
Ritual includes rites or the spoken word used in a ritual to convey meaning and value and ceremony which refers to
movements expressing feelings or beliefs beyond the limitations of speech
Rituals function as a
symbolic expression of actual social relations, status, or roles; a transcendent numinous reality;
and, a set of behaviors and beliefs that are symbolic of social, psychological or numinous realities.
Filipinos have their own history of beliefs in terms of spirits
It started with the belief that everything in nature has their ownspirit or divinity. It is called animism which is also one of the
oldestbelief systems of the world.
Magic is the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysteriousforces. The person who performs it is called a magician.
Sorcerer carries the
idea of medicine, magic potions, drugs, and poison.
A wizard is one who is thought to be acquainted with the secrets of the non-material world.
A necromancer is the one seeking unto the dead.
Filipinos have their own magicians which they call barang which is involved in a
malignant form of sorcery.
Kulam is the Tagalog word for voodoo and is one of the most well- known aspects of folklore.
Albularios or mananambals are Filipino practitioner of traditional medicine. Also known as the Filipino witch doctor. Most Filipinos believe in them.
superstitious beliefs, mythical creatures such as aswang, tikbalang, duwende,
sirena and the likes