
Cards (7)

  • Dec 1934 - Mussolini claimed Abyssinia after a border dispute at the Wal-Wal oasis
  • Jan-Oct 1935 - Italy prepared for invasion while negotiating with LON to settle the dispute. Mussolini ignored LONs judgements
  • October 1935 - Italy launched attack on Abyssinia with use of chemical weapons
  • Nov-Dec 1935 - LON condemned invasion and imposed economic sanctions
  • Dec 1935 - Hoare-Laval pact signed but it was leaked to French press and Britain and France were blamed
  • May 1936 - Abyssinian capital, Addis Ababa captured
  • Consequences of Abyssinia:
    Hoare-Laval pact- agreed to give 2/3 of Abyssinia to Italy if war ended showing selfish acts
    Stresa pact 1935 - Britain and france wanted Italy as an ally against Hitler
    No USA - USA ignored economic sanctions and traded with Italy
    Hitler - Led to invasion of Rhineland 1936 and then Rome-Berlin axis when Italy left LON