Cards (28)

  • Without Audiences, there would be no ___ ?
  • No Audience = NO PROFIT
  • It consumes media in terms of needs, interests, and capacities.
  • It cited in 2005 that our notion of audiences evolved because of dramatic technological breakthrough.
  • Paying attention to a media before them
    People Assembled
  • A group of people who were imagined by the communicator in the creation and dissemination of the text.
    People addressed
  • The experience of reception alone or with others.
    Audience as Happening
  • refers to participatory audience, a high degree of engagement like a noontime show broadcasted live.
    Hearing or Audition
  • a way of categorizing a group or something using common characteristics.
  • The media can be experienced by people even if they are alone
  • tailor the content to a specific segment of society, thus improving the quality of the content that will most likely be relevant and appropriate to the needs and desires of the target audience.
    Segmenting audiences
  • “As the media have become bigger business, the term ‘___’ has gained in currency
  • A type of audience that do not make use of texts
  • This type of audience is easily influenced and accepts media messages.
  • This theory describes as powerful conduits of messages
    Hypodermic Needle
  • This theory injects their message directly to their audience.
    Hypodermic Needle
  • This theory suggests that audiences should believe anything told to them.
    Hypodermic Needle
  • This theory states that voters access information through opinion leaders
    Two step flow communication
  • This theory analyzed how voters make their electoral decisions.
    Two step flow of communication
  • It argued that the audience access media and information bringing with them their own needs and desires. when we encounter a media text, we are expecting to get something from it
    Uses and Gratifications Approach
  • “poly” implies plurality, while “semic” is derived from Greek word sema- meaning audiences see various meaning in the signs that are in the media and information texts.
  • In this theory it states that this texts carry multiple meanings means that the audience can make meanings out of media text.
  • He articulated 3 three modes of reading in 1980
    David Morley
  • In this theory it argues that audiences can in fact resist the messages of media and information texts in very creative ways and this is done through the social positioning of audience.
    Reception and resistances
  • where the reader fully shares the text’s code and accepts and reproduces the preferred reading
    Dominant Reading
  • reading in agreement with the text
    Dominant Reading
  • where the audience partly shares the text’s code and broadly accepts the preferred reading, but sometimes resists and modifies it in a way which reflects one’s own position, lived experiences, and even opinions.
    Negotiated Reading
  • where the audience takes a directly oppositional stance to the dominant code of the media and information texts and resists it completely.

    Oppositional Reading