Role of the farther

Cards (5)

  • In western cultures fathers are encouraged to play a bigger role in raising children. This means mothers have been working full time significantly more as compared to 40 years ago.
  • Mothers usually have a more nurturing role in child raising while the fathers adopt the role of a "play mate", encouraging risk-taking behaviours when playing.
    Infants, when in distress, prefer contact with the mother but when in a positive emotional state they usually prefer the farther.
  • It's possible men are not psychologically equipped to form an intense attachment because they lack the emotional sensitivity women offer that comes from oestrogen that is underlying in caring behaviours.
    On the other hand, it was found that when fathers adopt the main caregiver role, they show behaviours typically resembling that of a mother.
    ->Suggests the key to attachment is responsiveness, not the gender of the parent.
  • Economic implications
    Mothers may feel pressured to stay home because research says they are vital for healthy emotional development. This may not be, economically, the best decision for some families.
  • Strength) Real-world application
    Research into the role of the father can be used to offer advice to parents as it shows that fathers are capable of becoming primary attachment figures. Also, lesbian households can be informed that not having a father around does not affect a child's development.