Reciprocity is when an infant and a mother respond to each others signals.
Interactional synchrony is when an infant and a carer mirror each others behaviours.
Schaffer & Emerson
Studied 60 babies at monthly intervals, observed in their own homes over the course of 18 months (longitudinal study). Also, the mothers kept a diary of evidence of attachments.
Limitation)Low population validity because they all were from working families in Glasgow -> cannot generalise findings to other people.
Schaffer & Emerson
Limitation)Diaries may not be reliable, due to social desirability and demand characteristics mother may have not written anything that would make them look like bad carers.
1st stage of attachment
Asocial stage (0-6 weeks)
->Feel indifferent to both human and non-human contact.
2nd stage of attachment
Indiscriminate stage (6 weeks - 7 months)
->Enjoy human company over objects
3rd stage of attachment
Discriminate attachment (7 months- 1 year)
->Prefers a single person, known as the primary attachment figure.
4th/last stage of attachment
Multiple attachments(1 year+)
->Forms attachments other than the primary attachments. They are known as secondary attachments.