Animal studies

Cards (4)

  • Harlow had 6 baby monkeys which were introduced to a cloth and wire baby monkey. There were 4 conditions in which the C.M had milk and the W.M had milk vice versa.
    ->Harlow found that baby monkeys sought contact comfort which explains why they spent most of their time with the cloth monkey even if the wire monkey had the milk.
  • Harlow's Monkeys
    Limitation)Animal studies cannot be generalised to humans.
    Monkeys and humans are different.
    Strength)You can observe entire generations of monkeys and the impact this research has on them because they have significantly shorter life-cycles.
    Limitations)Harlow's study was deemed unethical because it left a lasting and damaging impact on the baby monkeys. For example, the monkeys could not interact sexually with other monkeys.
  • Lorenz's geese
    Lorenz had 2 clutches of eggs and in 2 conditions 1 clutch of eggs saw Lorenz first and another clutch of eggs saw their mother first. Each clutch imprinted onto their respective "moving objects" and remained attached. This attachment created an internal working model in the geese in which they sought partners that resembled their first attachment.
  • Lorenz's geese
    Limitation)Cannot generalise studies done on birds onto mammals. Mammal attachments are more complicated.