The same event or situation can be interpreted in different ways, our current view of things is open to revision, we can always look at things differently
The view that it is possible to interpret (and re-interpret) an event as if it were correct, not just a notion of make-believe, but also experimentation and hypothesis
Use 'templates' (constructs) to anticipate events, reduce uncertainty, interpret their personal experiences via construing, importance of anticipation - being able to predict and therefore reduce uncertainty
Our ideas are not just 'out there' waiting to be discovered, they are tools to help us make sense of our worlds
Kelly's theory is a pragmatic theory because it makes no claim to truth, its aim is to develop a way of looking at people that is useful for a particular purpose
PCT provides a unique, unconventional and challenging view of human behaviour, a theory that sees people as inventive with the capacity to change, people are active participants in the way they make sense of the world