List of questions or items used to gather self-report data from respondents about their attitudes, experiences, or opinions
Quantitative or qualitative data.
Questions writtendown so that they are standardised
Open or closed questions
Eval for questionnaires
:) Largesample size – validity
:) Cheap and quick
:( Socialdesirability bias
:( Misunderstandings can occur
Interviews AO1
Structuredconversation where one participant asksquestions and the other provides answers
Generally face to face
Researcher verbally asks Q's, and ppant verbally responds
Ppant responses recorded either by audio tape or notes
Eval for Interviews
:) Questions can be explained and explored. Semi/unstructured interviews both allow for researcher to delve deeper. T/f very high internal validity
:( Subjective – produce qualitativedata, researchers may thematically code the themes to suit their hypothesis. T/f may generate invalid findings that cant be generalised, due to a misinterpretation of the data
Structured interviews
Predetermindquestions in a setorder
Predominantly quantitative
Often closed questions
Semi-structured interviews
Generalplan but no particular phrasing or order
Often open questions
Some Q's generated from ppant responses
Unstructured Interviews
No predetermined questions
Not standardised
Questionsgenerated from ppant responses
4 Practical issues with implementation of surveys
Wording of questions - loading/leading, open/closed, different language or diction
Choosing sample - ethnocentric/androcentric, range of ages and backgrounds, large sample size
How questions asked - open/closed/mixed, face to face/online
Other - location, bias, standardised instructions, deception, debrief