Questionnaires and Interviews

Cards (8)

  • Questionnaires AO1
    • List of questions or items used to gather self-report data from respondents about their attitudes, experiences, or opinions​
    • Quantitative or qualitative data. ​
    • Questions written down so that they are standardised​
    • Open or closed questions​
  • Eval for questionnaires
    :) Large sample size – validity
    :) Cheap and quick ​
    :( Social desirability bias
    :( Misunderstandings can occur​
  • Interviews AO1
    • Structured conversation where one participant asks questions and the other provides answers​
    • Generally face to face​
    • Researcher verbally asks Q's, and ppant verbally responds​
    • Ppant responses recorded either by audio tape or notes
  • Eval for Interviews
    :) Questions can be explained and explored. Semi/unstructured interviews both allow for researcher to delve deeper. T/f very high internal validity​
    :( Subjective – produce qualitative data, researchers may thematically code the themes to suit their hypothesis. T/f may generate invalid findings that cant be generalised, due to a misinterpretation of the data​
  • Structured interviews
    • Predetermind questions in a set order​
    • Predominantly quantitative
    • Often closed questions​
  • Semi-structured interviews
    • General plan but no particular phrasing or order
    • ​Often open questions​
    • Some Q's generated from ppant responses
  • Unstructured Interviews
    • No predetermined questions​
    • Not standardised
    • Questions generated from ppant responses​
  • 4 Practical issues with implementation of surveys
    1. Wording of questions - loading/leading, open/closed, different language or diction
    2. Choosing sample - ethnocentric/androcentric, range of ages and backgrounds, large sample size
    3. How questions asked - open/closed/mixed, face to face/online
    4. Other - location, bias, standardised instructions, deception, debrief