Who used to have the upper hand in trade before European industrialization
Indian originated
Made from poppy plants, used coerced labor to farm
Opium Trade
Trading Opium to China allowed them to gain economic control over China, as everyone was high
Ended up getting land in China, indirect imperialism
Europeans got the right to the natural resources in China
What did Chinese Qing Emperor Yongzheng do to the Opium
Banned use of Opium, however didnt really have an affect
Nanjing and Canton
British will completely take over
Highlighted how inferior non-industrialized nations were
Treaty on Nanking
Treaty after the conclusion of Opium Wars
China has to give Hong Kong to Britain, pay 20M dollars, and open 4-5 more ports to foreigners: forced them into free trade
Opium Wars
Turmoil due to British bringing in Opium
Chinese tried to set up a blockade, however got steamrolled due to European industrialization
White Man's Burden
Believed it was a white man's personal duty to civilize other races (seen as inferior) economically and religiously
Motivator for imperialism
Written by Ruyard Kipling
Expansion of an empire's influence across borders by military, political, or economic means.
Much worse than colonization, due to industrial revolution killing was much more efficient. (Weapons, Communications, Transportations)
British Empire(mainly), French, and the Dutch imperialize.
Where did British Imperialize
India, Malaysia, parts of China, Africa, Australia
Where did the French Imperialize
Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia (French-Indochina)
Where did the Dutch Imperialize
Why was there Imperialization?
Wanted to extract labor and resources from the nations they imperialized
Berlin Conference
Africa was completely divided up
Africans had no say in the division
Sepoy Rebellion
An unsuccessful rebellion against British rule in India, led by Sepoys(Indian fighters who worked for the British)
Caused due to the British East India Company altering the weapons using pork and cow fat (forbidden or sacred in Hindu and Muslim)
However because of the unsuccessfulness, Britain began to directly rule it, instead of indirectly using the British East India Company (Will be dissolved)
Spheres of Influence
Britain owned areas due to Opium Wars, China was controlled using these
Will be politically dominated and economically exploited by Europeans
How will Latin America be affected by Imperialism?
Will be politically dominated and economically exploited by Europeans
Indigenous people in the states, Australia, and New Zealand
Lost a lot of their land and were either killed or removed
What were products produced that fueled the drive for European Imperialism?
Cotton, Rubber, Palm oil, ivory, and diamonds
Drive for European imperialism
Because of the US civil war, US were not importing Cotton: India and Egypt benefit from this and supplied raw cotton to Britain
Britain will colonize them, seeking to control cotton producing states
Drive for European imperialism
Charles Goodyear developed a process called vulcanization that eliminated an issue with hardening rubber, causing an increase in a need for rubber.
Used slavery for rubber
Palm Oil
Drive for European imperialism
Machines were in need of constant lubrication
West African origination
Drive for European imperialism
Cecil Rhodes and De Beers Mining company popularized diamonds.
Ghost Dance
Indigenous practice against European Imperialism
Practiced by US indigenous people
Believed the dead would come back and drive off whites, used the dance to speed it up
Tupac Amaru
Hereditary chief in Southern Peru, influenced state building through the attack of Villacambata
Killed a colonial, Spanish admin: leading to the last general slave revolt against Spain
Xhosa Cattle Killing
Indigenous practice against European Imperialism
Due to British fighting and attempting to take over the Xhosa indigenous people
Killed 400k of their own cattle, torched thousands of acres of cropland, believed the spirits of the dead animals would come and kill the British. Didn't happen, starvation killed almost 40k Xhosas
Economic Imperialism
When foreign businesses have great economic power or influence over a nation.
Takes advantage of the natural resources of the nation: people, raw materials, and refined materials
Colonies became used for profit, rather than producing
How did the Industrial revolution support imperialism
Transportation got faster, weaponry more readily available, in general increased efficiency
Used advanced weaponry and communication to militarily dominate those who were not able to industrialize at the same speed.
Indians moved to Africa & Caribbean
Chinese moved to Malaya and California
Japanese moved to Hawaii
Effects of Migration
Diasporas(small ethnic communities) formed in many different places
Many men migrated, leaving their wives and children behind, leading to a shift of gender roles, women worked AND took care of kids
Boxer Rebellion
Led by anti-imperialists in China called Boxers
Goal: kill all foreigners and Chinese Christians as they were considered indoctrinated (brainwashed) by Western thought
International army of soldiers from America, Britain, Japan, Russia, Germany, and France all came into China to stop the rebellion
Ended up giving Europeans more power, and Japan was allowed to dominate China
Import because they helped move products, people & troops, and information - compared to horses.
Facilitated the expansion of colonial empires by allowing for greater control and exploitation of colonized territories (due to being able to get their faster)
Justification of Imperialism
Economic - getting labor and raw materials
White man's burden - Civilize other nations
Social Darwinism - belief that formed that Survival of the Fittest justified their imperialism
Missionaries - Bring religion (Catholic and Protestant) to civilize nations