When the teacher said they wanted to stop they were given ‘verbal prods’ from experimenter:
Prod 1 - ‘Please continue’ OR ‘Please go on’
Prod 2 - ‘The experiment requires that you continue’
Prod 3 – ‘It is absolutely essential that you continue’
Prod 4. - ‘You have no other choice, you must go on’.
Milgram concluded that German people are not different. American participants in his study obeyed orders, even when they knew they were causing harm to
others. He suspected there were certain factors in the situation that encouraged
obedience, so decided to conduct further investigations.
Milgram found that all participant went up 300volts, 12.5 (5 participants) stopped at 300 volts and 65% went up to 450 volts. This led Milgram to conclude that German people are not different, and American’s will also obey orders that go against their morality when
people in a position of authority instruct them to do so
Milgram varied his study by placing the teacher and learner in the same room, where obedience levels dropped from 65% to 40% as the teacher was forced to place the learner's hand on the shock plate, obedience rates dropped to 30%
The experimenter was called away due to a telephone call and an ordinary man in everyday clothes was placed in the role, obedience rates dropped to 20%