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  • Jews believe that Yaweah/Elohim (Lord) created the earth in six days rested on the seventh day. The Jewish creation story can be found in the first two chapters of the book of Genesis,in the Torah. According to the Jews on day one God created light and darkness. On day 2, God create the sky. On the tree God made plants,trees and the sea. On day four God created the Sun the moon and the stars. On day five God created sea creatures and creatures that could fly.
  • On day six God created animals and humanity (man and woman).Humanity was a key part of God’s creation story. Non religious people believed that we weren’t created by God. On the 7th day God rested,Shabbat- Judaism. Jews reverence this day by taking the day off work to rest. Humanists believe that we were created through the theory of Evolution.They believed that we evolved through similar forms.Non religious people also believe that the Big Bang theory is how the universe came into existence.
  • Religion and Science have a similar view of creation because in the Judaism creation story on the 6th day animals and humans were created. This is similar to the theory of evolution by Natural selection, As Darwin believed that humans and living things evolve over time and that their adaptation to the environment determines their survival. Science focuses on how the world was created while religion focuses on why.
  • There’s a friction between religious and scientific views of creation because they both have different worldviews for examples Christians believe that God created the world in 6 days and rested on the seventh. While scientists/humanists believe that their there’s no supernatural element to the creation story. They believe the universe was created from a single mass explosion and that humans/living things/animals evolved from similar forms. Religious people don’t agree with this as they believe that there’s a supernatural element to the creation story.
  • The Big Bang theory is a scientific explanation for how the universe started. It’s suggest that billions of years ago the universe was created from a single mass explosion, this is what is known as the Big Bang.The universe includes planets and stars etc. These were all formed slowly.Scientists use this common theory of the universe,from the early stages to the present day.