Influence of early attachment on future relationships

Cards (7)

  • IERFR - Internal working model
    > The child forms a mental representation (schema) of their early attachment relationship with their primary caregiver
    > This acts as a model for what relationships are like and future relationships will mirror them
    > If a child is raised by a responsive caregiver they are likely to have a secure attachment and have successful relationships
    > However an unresponsive caregiver is likely to lead to an insecure attachment and have more problems forming relationships
    > This mental representation influences the nature of all their future relationships
  • IWM on childhood relationships
    > If a child has a secure attachment to their primary caregiver, they are more likely to have better quality relationships with their peers
    > If they have an insecure attachment to their primary caregiver they are more likely to have difficulties making friends
    > Smith found this could predict bullying behaviour:
    • Insecure-avoidant attachments are usually the victim
    • Insecure-resistant are usually the bullies
  • IWM on adult romantic relationships
    > Hazan and Shaver created a questionnaire (the love quiz)
    > 56 % were securely attached, they were most likely to have positive and long lasting relationships with partners they could trust
    > 25 % were seen as insecure-avoidant as children and these people reported feelings of jealousy and feared closeness
    > 19 % classified as insecure-resistant as children and these people fear abandonment and put too much pressure on their partner
    CONCLUSIONS - patterns of early attachments are reflected in adult romantic relationships
  • IWM on relationships with own children
    > People base their parenting style on their internal working model, so attachment tends to be passed on through generations
    > Bailey found that mothers tended to have the same attachment style with their child as they did their own mother
  • Influence of early attachment on future relationships AO3
    :) RTS conducted by harlow
    > Harlow separated monkeys from their mothers at birth and raised them in cages, they therefore had no early attachments
    > Harlow found that the monkey’s found it very difficult to form relationships with other monkeys when they were older, for example they had difficulty mating and females were inadequate mothers
    > supports the influence of early attachment on later relationships because it shows that having a negative early attachment can lead to negative relationships later with partners and own children
  • Influence of early attachment on future relationships AO3
    :( Deterministic
    > States our behaviour is controlled and determined by early relationships
    > Neglects the role of free will and choice an individual has
    > Therefore, limiting the research into the influence of early attachment on later relationships.
  • Influence of early attachments on future relationships AO3
    :( Based on retrospective data
    > As the participants often have to think back to their early attachments
    > This is a weakness because it relies on individuals accurately recalling their early attachment, however memory has been found to be inaccurate
    > Therefore, this lowers the internal validity of research in to the influence of early attachments on later relationships