gods communicate with mortals via omens and dreams, and sometimes in person
they come undisguised to the Phaeacians, according to Alcinous
elsewhere, they take on a different identity before mortals
Zeus never appears
he sends Hermes to deliver his messages
when gods are visible, they are characterised by light, beauty and speed of movement
only heroes can recognise them, and T's realisation in bk 1 that his visitor is an immortal is an immortal is a sure sign that he is a hero in the making
in mortal eyes, the gods are associated with punishment and fear
the Suitors warn Antinous that the beggar could be a god
P's 1st reaction is that the Suitors have been killed by an outraged immortal
T fears that Ody might be a divine power playing a trick on him
Ody is suspicious of Ino
anything unexpected could be the work.of a god
fear prompts men to seek the gods' approval
Amphinomus urges that the will of the gods be ascertained before any attempts on T's life
the gods like sacrifices
Hermes complains that, having flown over the sea for so long, he has not enjoyed any offerings
Humans use sacrifices as a way to gain favour
Eumaeus prays that Zeus will repay Ody for all his offerings, and on Thrinacie, the men hope to appease the god by a sacrifice