sociology education

Cards (15)

  • class differences in education achievement - external
    • cultural deprivation (w/c lacks basic value, attitute and skills
    • w/c subculture (different goal, beliefs, attitude and values (fatalism,collectiveism, immediate gratification, present time orientation)
    • language (m/c uses elaborated code and w/c uses restricted codes)
    • parental education (w/c parents are less educated- cant help and support their child)
    • housing (overcrowding , disturbed sleep, greater risk of accident, cold or damp housing, more likely to have emotional behaviour problems )
    • diet(low on energy, vitimin and minerals)
  • class differences in education achievement - internal
    • labelling (teachers negativaly label (w/c) students as underachieving
    • self-fulfilling prophecy (students see/hear this and loses motivation, proving the teacher label of them)
    • streaming ( putting students in groups of skills and all w/c students together, too teach them an easier subject)
  • meritocracy - society where people get what they deserve based on merits
  • social immobility - downward movement from higher social class to lower social class
  • who achieves and underachieve in ethnicity
    • Asians - Chinese and Indians does the best in education
    • Bangladeshi, Pakistani and black pupil, African Caribbean - underachieve
  • ethnic differences in education achievement (external)
    • cultural deprivation
    • language (English may be a second language)
    • attitude and values (home values are different from schools
    • family structure and parental support (black families- lone mothers)
    • racism in wiser society(social exclution, harder to get jobs/ low paying jobs
  • ethnic differences in education achievement (internal)
    • black Carribeans - not intitled to free school meal
    • labelling- label black students as threatening and trouble makers (leading to exclution)
    • pupil identities - they have ideal pupils- white, m/c, masculine, hetrosexual
    • institunial racism -school may choose not choose non speaking english students
    • ethnocentric curriculum- ignores other ethnic groups
    • racism - chinese students report similar levels of harassment to black Caribeans
  • gender differences in education
    • girls now achieve better than boys
    • 1960 feminist movement - challenged traditional stereotype
    • changes in family - increased divorce rates and lone parents= women are being breadwinners
    • women employment 1970 - equal pay act
    • girl changing ambitions 1974- education was seen as unfemanin and unatractive, priority on love, marriage,children
  • girls education - internal
    • girls in science and technology, engineering
    • national curriculum 1988
    • women teachers- role models to women
    • girls succeed in coursework
    • teachers give boys more attention and harsher disapline, and lower expectation
    • boys dominate class discusions, girls perfer group/pair work , better at listening to eachtother and cooperating by taking turns
  • boys education - internal
    • parents(dads) dont read to their sons
    • boys are likely to do physical work (sport) while girls like to socialise
    • theirs less heavy industries (mining)- 'indentity crisis'
    • feminist- school doesnt focus on masculin traits (competitions and leadership)
    • lack of male teachers/role models to help boys behave
    • 'laddish' subculture their harrased and callede 'sissy' if their academicly smart
  • functionalist perspective on roles of education
    • Durkheim - 2 main functions , creating social solidarity and specialist skills
    • parsons-bridge between family and society, inequality is necessary so talented people fill up the roles, hence jobs pay higher creating competition
    • Davis and Moore- role allocation-education allocate jobs suited to their ability
  • Neo-liberalism and the new right perspective on roles of education
    • Neo-liberalism - state shouldn't provide services like education, health, welfare
    • New Right-Marketisation, parents choose, creates competition (Ofstead, league tables and national curriculum)
  • Marxist perspective on roles of education
    • Karl Marx - class division and capitalist exploitation -2 class system
    • Althusser- ideological state apparatus
    1. repressive state apparatus - physical force to repress w.c
    2. ideological state apparatuses - control people ideas like religion, media and education to repress w.c

    1. education reproducer - failing all w.c for generation to generation
    2. education legitimates- make w.c believe they cant go up a class position
    • Bowls and Gintis - independent and creative=low grades
    • obediant + diciplined =high grades

    • school mirrors workplace- hierarchies
  • what is restricted and elaborate codes
    • restricted- used by w.c - limited vocabulary, short and often unfinished, grammatically simple sentences. speech is predictable and may involve single word or gestures. the speaker assumes the listener shares the same set of experiences
    • elaborate - used by m.c - wider vocabulary, longer grammatically complex sentences. speech is more varied and communicates abstract ideas
  • what is the w.c subculture 4 key features that act as a barrier
    • fatalism: belief in fate- nothing you can do to change your status
    • collectivism: valuing being apart of a group then succeeding as an individual
    • immediate gratification: seek pleasure now than sacrificing it to get rewards later in the future
    • present-time orientation: present is more important than the future- not having long term goals or plans