the message is soon reinforced in Jupiter's speech to Venus
Jupiter explains the line of descent of Romulus and the founding of the city of Rome
at this point, info is given about key moments in Rome's history, leading up to Augustus and the limitless power he will enjoy
the Romans will be 'the rulers of the world'
they will conquer Greece, and Augustus will return from the east 'laden with spoils'
Aeneas is bound to get to his destination, because it is the will of Jupiter and Fate
Aeneas must lead his exiled Trojans to Italy
it is clear that it's his role and his alone
Hector predicts a great city and entrusts to him the Penates of Troy
Jupiter gives him a sign
Creusa tells him that he will find a 'royal bride' in Italy
the key to success on this journey is his piety
Aeneas frequently sacrifices to gods and local deities
he watches out for signs
goes the way Fate and the gods lead
Prophecies give him clues but his journey is not smooth
'I so feared the kingdom of Libya would do you harm' - Anchises
he finally sails his ship into Cumae, and arrives on Italian soil
his father gives him his first real idea about the scale of his mission, when he shows him the spirits of the great Roman heroes who are waiting to go up into the world to play their part in Rome's history
Augustus and his empire are the culmination of this imperial destiny
An explicit link between Aeneas and the Empire is made by the shield given to him
it depicts the defining battle in the civil wars, Actium, in which Antony and Cleopatra were routed, leaving the path clear for Augustus to pursue his imperial destiny