The Growth and Formation of Bone

Cards (11)

  • 15 years of age in girls and 16 in boys 

    Longitudinal growth of bone continues until approximately
  • Skull
    28  bones including cranial and facial
  • Vertebrae
    31 bones
  • Ribs
    24 bones
  • Skull
    Frontal - 1
    Parietal - 2
    Occipital - 1
    Temporal - 2
  • Facial Bone

     Maxillary Bone - upper jaw
  • Facial Bone
    Zygomatic bone - cheek bone
  • Facial Bone

    Maxillary Bone - upper jaw
    Zygomatic Bone - cheek bone
    Lacrimal bone
  • Clavicle - collar bone
    Scapula - shoulder blade
    Humerus - bone of the upper arm
    Ulnar - longer bone in arm
    Radius - shorter bone in arm
    Carpal - wrist
    Metacarpal - palm
    Phalanges - fingers
    Pelvis - hip bone
    Femur - thigh bone/largest bone
    Patella - kneecap
    Tibia - shin bone
    Fibula - calf bone
    Tarsal -foot/heel
    Metatarsals - foot bone
  • Disorders
    Rickets(children) / osteomalacia (adult)
    -cause by deficiencies of vitamin D
    -soft, weak bone that are easily broken
  • Disorders
    -breaking of bones or associated cartilage