Topic 3: Attitude Therapy

Cards (8)

  • Attitude therapy: used to treat a wide range of psychological conditions, including depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and substance abuse. It is also used to address issues such as self-esteem,communication skills, and interpersonal relationships.
    The goal of attitude therapy: help individuals recognize andreplace negative thoughts and beliefs with more positive ones.
  • used in individual or group settings and may involve cognitive-behavioral techniques, such as relaxation techniques, guided imagery, and positive self-talk.
    Attitude therapy
  • The basic principle is to give attention to the patient before the patient request it.
    Assume the initiative in showing a consistent, genuine interest in the patients and their needs 24 hours a day

    Active Friendliness
    • Reassurances and emotional responses are avoided.
    • Non-judgmental, no judgments are passed on the way of the patient’s thought, felt, and behaved.
    • The therapist uses an approach of casualness in interaction, especially in requests: manipulative behaviors.
    • Reassurances and emotional responses are avoided: Hysterical patients and manic patients
    Passive Friendliness
    • To be firm with depressed patients and instead of sympathizing with their misery to make them work on monotonous, ungratifying repetitive work.
    • The work gives them some muscle action and something else to focus on besides on his own miseries.
    • Usually, the purpose of this and insistence upon under gratifying work is to help him turn his hostility outward.
    Kind Firmness
    • These people are impatient with life. Their therapeutic need is to learn that manipulation in unrewarding. We teach them to grow up and meet their responsibilities.
    • Therapist has to state and stick to what they say and NOT deviate from what they say
    Matter of fact attitude
  • Therapist needs to show caring behaviours to show the person theywon’t hurt themWhen they get out of control the therapist does nothing but just comeback to them later
    No demand attitude
    • Active Friendliness: withdrawn patient
    • Passive Friendliness: Paranoid patient
    • Kind Firmness: Depressed client
    • Matter-of-fact: Manipulative/Demanding client related
    • No demand: furious in rage