The Cell Cycle and Mitosis

Cards (21)

  • The cell cycle has two main phases
    interphase and mitotic phase
  • Interphase
    -Growth and preparation for division
    - G1, S, G2
  • Mitotic phase

    M phase and Cytokinesis
  • M phase (mitotic phase)

    Division of replicated chromosomes
  • Cytokinesis (mitotic phase)

    Separation into two cells
  • Most of the cell cycle is spent in what stage?
  • Interphase has 3 parts

    G1, S, G2
  • G1 phase of interphase

    -Recovery from previous division
    - Cell doubles its organelles and grows larger
    - Accumulates raw materials for DNA synthesis
  • S phase of interphase

    -DNA replication (synthesis)
    - Chromosomes enter with 1 chromatid each
    - Chromosomes leave with 2 identical chromatids each
  • G2 phase of interphase

    - Between DNA replication and onset of mitosis
    - Cell synthesizes proteins necessary for division
  • What is the G0 phase?

    - Some cells cannot complete mitosis
    - Cell division is ARRESTED, can be temporary or permanent
    - These cells cannot copy themselves but they do perform their normal functions
    - No repair possible
    a.) Muscle cells
    b.) Neurons

    - Cells will only commit to division if they have the right nutrients to complete the process
    a.) Starving cells will go into G0 phase
  • Mitosis is divided into 4 phases
    1. Prophase
    2. Metaphase
    3. Anaphase
    4. Telophase
  • Prophase (mitosis)

    - Chromatin condenses to form chromosomes
    - Nuclear membrane breaks down; Centrioles Double
  • Metaphase (mitosis)

    Chromosomes attached to spindle fibers and migrates to align in center
  • Anaphase (Mitosis)

    Sister chromatids are pulled apart to opposite poles(one chromosome each) by shortening spindle fibers
  • Telophase/Cytokinesis (Mitosis)

    cytoplasm divides forming two genetically identical cells
  • Mitosis
    - Spindle fibers are connected to centrioles and asters in animal cells
    - Centrioles are not present in plant cells, use a different mechanism
  • Cytokinesis
    -In animal cells, the daughter cells are divided by a division furrow
    - In plant cells, cellulose produced in specialized vesicles to form a cell plate
  • Fertilization
    when the egg and the sperm fuse together to form a zygote, which then divides
  • identical(monozygotic) vs fraternal(dizygotic) twins
  • Mitosis is important for cloning of animals. How?

    - Start with a diploid cell, but eggs are haploid
    - So a nucleus is taken out of a diploid cell and put into an unfertilized egg
    - It is then put in a uterus to grow