diss l3

Cards (15)

    • Is a theory on society that focuses on the individual’s interactions with objects and other people. 

  • This concept emphasizes the capacity of humans to project and plan their actions based on certain goals formed for the betterment of their conditions. 

    Human Agency
    • Was an American Sociologist who coined the term symbolic interactionism.
    herbert blumer
    • In this context is the ability to perceive the object of conversation through the eyes of the other. 

    Role Play
    • Actions are determined by the meanings people associate with things. In a sense then, symbolic interactionism sees reality as an association of meanings. As meaning change so does society. 

    interaction-based meaning
  • developed a theory of the social self, which interprets the self as emerging from social interactions

    George Herbert mead
  • It allows communication through which attitudes, opinions, emotions and ideas are conveyed between individuals.

    • It allows an individual to act in another role or capacity, or what is commonly known as role play.
  • It allows an individual to act within the confines imposed by the rules of the activity

    • Was an American sociologist whose main contribution in the field was the study of the primary groups. 

    charles horton cooley
    • The first group where a person belongs, and where an individual develops his or her ideas, beliefs values and self.  

    primary groups
    • The most famous theory of Cooley.
    • Which the self is understood as that which is formed from interactions, such as those done with the primary group. 

    looking glass self
    • Was an American sociologist and ethnomethodologist.
    Harold Garfinkel
  • is sometimes related to theory of common sense,

    • Lack of testability due to its focus on small group interactions.

    criticism and limitation