Cards (76)

  • What is Market?

    a group of buyers and seller of a particular good or service
  • What do Buyers/Consumers determine?
  • What do Sellers/Producers determine?
  • "It is a seller's decision to produce."
  • Can you call a drug business a market?
  • What are the requirements for a business to be a market?
    buyers and sellers, presence, interaction
  • What helps to answer the 3 key questions?
    model for the market
  • What is in a market model?

    how different actors behave and interact; prices are determined; scarce resources are allocated
  • What are the types of markets based on?
    various form, intensity of competition
  • What are the various forms of a market?
    physical place, virtual place, unorganised market
  • What is the full term for an unorganised market?
    unorganised collections of buyers and sellers
  • Who meet and what is done in a physical market?
    buyers and sellers, auctioneer/broker help to determine the market price
  • Give me examples of a physical place
    stock exchange, wholesale fish, meat or produce markets
  • "Virtual place is not very popular nowadays."
  • Virtual place is also known as what interaction?
  • Give me examples of a virtual place
    US dollar market, e-commerce
  • "In an unorganised market, administrative does not allow you to sell wherever you want."
  • "In an unorganised market, you can sell oranges at the stadium today and tomorrow at the university."
  • What is Monopoly?

    a firm that is the solo seller of a product without close substitutes
  • What is Oligopoly?

    a market structure in which only a few sellers offer similar/identical products and dominate the market
  • What is Monopolistic Competition?
    a market structure in which many firms sell products that are similar but not identical
  • What is a Perfectly Competitive Market?

    a market in which there are many buyers and seller so that each has a negligible impact on the market price
  • "In a monopoly, I am the only seller and people have no other option but to buy from me, since no one else gets the access to sell here."
  • Give me BRAND examples of a monopoly
    Google, VISA, Amazon, DB
  • Give me examples of a monopoly.
    logistic, drug market, medicines for treating patients with cancer (specific medicine)
  • How many people manage/control an oligopoly market? Is it restricted?
    5 to 6, yes
  • Give me BRAND examples of an oligopoly
    Netflix, Coca-Cola, Nike, T-Mobile
  • Give me examples of an oligopoly.
    cars, smartphones, airlines, telecommunication, bank, tv channels, soft drinks
  • How many people manage/control a monopolistic competition? Is it restricted?
    500 to 1.000, lowkey
  • Give me BRAND examples of a monopolistic competition?
    McDonald, Burger King, H&M, Zara, Dove, Nivea, Apple, Samsung, Starbucks
  • Give me examples of a monopolistic competition.
    fast food chains, retail stores, cosmetics, electronics, beer, restaurant/coffee businesses
  • Perfectly Competitive Market is also known as?
    Perfect Competition
  • How many people manage/control a perfect competition? Is it restricted?
    5.000 to 10.000, no
  • Give me an example of a perfect competition
  • What types of Demands do we have?
    individual, market
  • Market model from the demand side is in other words, from which side?
  • The market model analyses the behaviour of buyers/consumers, it is also a what?
    determinant of demand for goods/services
  • In neo-classical economics, the key determinant is what?
  • What is Quantity Demanded?

    the amount of a good that buyers are willing and able to purchase at different prices
  • What is a Law of Demand?

    the claim that, other things equal the QD of a good falls when the price of the good rises