cognitive interview

    Cards (6)

    • Milne & Bull (2002) found that each individual element was equally valuable. Each technique used singly produced more information than the standard police interview.
      However, they also found that using a combination of 'report everything' and 'context reinstatement' produced better recall than any of the other conditions.
      This suggests that some aspects of the CI are more useful than others.
    • This finding is a strength because it suggests that at least two elements should be used to improve police interviewing of eyewitnesses even if the full CI isn't used.
      This increases the credibility of the CI amongst those who use it - police officers.
    • There is research supporting the effectiveness of the enhanced CI.
      Kohnken et al (1999) conducted a meta-analysis, combining data from 50 studies.
      The ECI consistently provided more correct information than the standard interview used by the police.
      This a strength as studies like this indicate that there are real practical benefits to the police of using the ECI.
      The research shows that it gives the police a greater chance of catching criminals, which is beneficial to society as a whole.
    • Police may be reluctant to use the CI because it is more time consuming than the standard police interview.
      For example, more time is needed to establish rapport with the witness and allow them to relax.
      The CI also requires special training and many forces have not been able to provide more than a few hours (Kebbell & Wagstaff).
      This means that it is unlikely that the 'proper' version of the CI is actually used, which may explain why police have not been that impressed by it.
    • Different variations of the CI are used as police forces evolve their own methods.
      If a research study evaluates the effectiveness of one version of the CI, then the findings may not apply when it is used differently by another police force.
      This makes it difficult to compare the ways the CI is used. It also makes it easier for police officers to reject it because they could argue that it won't work in that specific area.
    • However, the variation of the CI can be seen as a strength as it shows its flexibility and how it can adapt to different circumstances.
      It is flexible enough to be used in ways that overcome the objections of police officers as it can be altered by police forces to help them.
      Using the CI in this way gives it greater face validity.