Women may report internal urethral discomfort, sometimes described as a pressure or an external burning from the flow of urine across irritated or inflamed labia
Men typically feel a burning sensation proximal to the glans penis
In contrast, prostatic pain is felt in the perineum and occasionally in the rectum
Painful urination accompanies cystitis or urethritis
Men with partial obstruction to urinary outflow often report hesitancy in starting the urine stream, straining to void, reduced caliber and force of the urinary stream, or dribbling as voiding is completed
Polyuria should be distinguished from urinary frequency, which can involve voiding in high amounts, seen in polyuria, or in small amounts, as in infection
When the bladder cannot be emptied until bladder pressure exceeds urethral pressure, indicates anatomic obstruction by prostatic hypertrophy or stricture, or neurogenic abnormalities
In women, be sure to distinguish menstrual blood from hematuria. If the urine is reddish, ask about ingestion of beets or medications that might discolor the urine
Usually severe and colicky, originating at the costovertebral angle and radiating around the trunk into the lower quadrant of the abdomen, or possibly into the upper thigh and testicle or labium
An organ whose structure reflects its special function: the production of milk for lactation
The male breast structure is nearly identical to the female breast, except that the male breast tissue lacks the specialized lobules, since there is no physiologic need for milk production by males