Germany blobs 7-8

Cards (33)

  • when was the Wall Street Crash
  • US bank run!! what happens to Germany?
    Germany loans called in
  • what happened after Germany's loans are called in
    banks go bankrupt and businesses suffer
  • how many were unemployed in 1928
  • how many were unemployed in 1933
  • impact of bank crash = vote for extremes -> how much of the vote did the Nazis get?
  • who was made Head of Propoganda in 1933
  • what did Nazis have that appealed to many people
    vague slogans that emphasised unity
  • why were the Nazis most appealing to workers
    they were promised jobs
  • why were the Nazis most appealing to the middle class

    emphasised traditonality and stability for Germany
  • why were the Nazis most appealing to industrialists
    seen as best defence against KPD
  • why were the Nazis most appealing to farmers
    promised higher prices
  • when was Goebbels made Head of Propoganda
  • how many rallies did Hindenburg hold
    1 per year
  • how many rallies did Hitler hold
    5 per day
  • when did Hitler become Chancellor
    30 Jan 1933
  • when was the Reichstag Fire Decree
    28 Feb 1933
  • what was the Reichstag fire used as

    evidence of a communist plot
  • after the Reichstag fire, how much of the vote did the Nazis get
  • what did the Reichstag fire allow Hitler to do and how
    enabling act because Nazis won majority
  • by how much did the enabling act pass
  • when was the enabling act passed
    23 march 1933
  • what did the enabling act do
    meant Nazis could create laws without the Reichstag or president
  • what was the enabling act referred to as
    'nazi revolution
  • what did the Enabling Act effectively end
    parliamentary democracy
  • when was the Night of Long Knives
    30 June 1934
  • how many leading members of the SA were killed during the NoLK
    150, including Rohm
  • what was the impact of the NoLK
    Hitler gained total control over Nazi party and loyalty from generals
  • when did President Hindenburg
    Aug 1934
  • after Pres Hindenburg's death, what does Hitler do
    declare himself Fuhrer
  • what power does Hitler have as Fuhrer
    powers of Chancellor and CinC of military
  • after Hitler became Fuhrer, what did every military member have to do
    declare an oath of loyalty
  • by how much did Hitler's plebiscite for fuhrer pass 
