Germany overview

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  • When was Germany unified as a nation?
  • When did Kaiser Wilhelm II come into power?
  • What were Kaiser's three "great aims" for Germany?
    Industrialisation, A Place In The Sun, Control of Political System
  • In which year did Germany overtake Britain in the production of Iron and Steel?
  • When did World War One start?
  • When did World War One end?
    11th November 1918
  • What is Weltpolitik?

    The policy of participation in world affairs.
  • Who were the Reichstag?
    German Parliament
  • Who were the Bundesrat?

    A group of state sent representatives who helped decide laws
  • What is Militarism?

    The belief a country should have strong armed forces
  • What problems did Germany face after WW1?

    Political Problems (change of government)
    Social Problems (families without fathers, brothers etc)
    Economic Problems (reparations, loans)
  • What were the terms of the Treaty of Versailles?
    L - Land
    A - Army
    M - Money
    B - Blame (Article 231)
  • How much land did Germany lose?
    13% and 60 million people
  • What were the limits put on the German army?
    No more than 100,000 troops, Conscription was banned, no tanks were allowed, Navy reduced to 15,000, only allowed 6 battle ships and no submarines.
  • How much money (reparations) did Germany have to pay?
    6.6 billion
  • What did the Germans call the treaty?

    Diktat (dictated peace)
  • What were the Weimar Constitution often described as?

    The "November Criminals"
  • The Weimar Constitution allowed who to vote?

    All men and women over the age of 20
  • What was Article 48?

    In an "emergency crisis", it allowed the President to make laws without consulting parliament
  • What was proportional representation?
    The number of seats a party got were proportional to the number of votes they received.
  • When was the Spartacists Revolt?
  • What was the Spartacists Revolt?

    Communists tried to start a revolution but did not get the support they were hoping for
  • Who led the Spartacist Uprising?
    Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg
  • When did Assassinations on the November Criminals take place?
    1919 - 1922
  • Who mainly assassinated the November Criminals
    Right Wing Extremists
  • When was the Kapp Putsch?
  • What was the Kapp Putsch?
    Wolfgang Kapp marched troops into Berlin and took over the capital, Kapp soon fled abroad
  • When was the Red Rising In The Ruhr?
  • What was the red Rising In The Ruhr?
    Left wing workers in the Ruhr went on strike
  • When was the Munich Putsch?

    1923 November
  • What was the Munich Putsch?

    Hitler attempted to seize control of Bavarian government and was arrested; his 24-day trial was fully broadcast
  • During the 1919 - 1923 events of political extremism, who were sympathised?
    Right wing were hugely sympathised towards, whereas left wing uprisings were quickly and brutally shut down.
  • When was Hyperinflation?
  • Who was hyperinflation a win for?

    Those who had borrowed money from the government
    Those who had to pay off debts
  • Who was hyperinflation a loss for?

    Those with savings
    Those on a fixed income
    Small businesses
  • Economic hardship bred?
    Political Extremism
  • What were the six factors leading to Hitler's rise to power?
    The Depression
    Unpopular Government
    Hitler's Appeal
    Fear Of Communism
    Role of the SA
  • Who was in charge of Nazi propaganda?
    Joseph Goebbels
  • In Weimar Culture, what was there none of?

  • What is censorship?

    Removing parts of media that are seen as unacceptable