academic disciplined concerned with investigating the nature of significant of ordinary and scientific beliefs
investigating the legitimacy of concepts by rational argument concerning their implications, relationships as well as reality, knowledge moral judgement, etc.
concerned with the problem of the self
the true task of the philosopher is to know the self
the unexamined life is not worth living
corrupting the minds of youth
method is to make people think, seek, and ask agin and again
3 components of soul
rational soul- reason & intellect to govern affairs
spirited soul- emotions should be kept at bay
appetitive soul- base desires {food, drink, sleep, sexual needs, etc.}
love is a way of knowing and realizing the truth- a process
st. augustine
spirit of man in medeival philosophy
st. augustine
man is a birfucated nature
st. augustine
part of man dwells in the world (imperfect) and yearns to be with the divine
st. augustine
god is the source of reality and truth
st. augustine
the cause of sin or evil is an act of man's freewill
st. thomas aquinas
man= matter + form
st. thomas aquinas
matter[hyle] common stuff that makes up everything in the universe
st. thomas aquinas
form[morphe] essence of substance or thing
st. thomas aquinas
the body of the human is similar to animals/ objects, but what makes a human is his essence
st. thomas aquinas
the soul is what makes us humans
rene descartes - he believed that the mind and body are separate and that the mind is the source of all knowledge
rene descartes - father of modern philosophy
rene descartes - was considered one of the rationalist
rene descartes - the only thing one can't doubt is existence of the self
david hume - one can only know what comes from senses & experiences (empericist)
david hume - the self is not an entity beyond the physical body
david hume - the self is nothing but a bundle of impression and ideas
immanuel kant - everything starts with perceptions/ sensation of impressions
immanuel kant - there is a mind that regulates these impressions
immanuel kant - time, space, etc. are ideas that one can't find in the world, but is built in our minds
gilbert ryle - the self is a collection of thoughts and feelings that we have about ourselves
gilbert ryle - denies the internal, non-physical self
gilbert ryle - what truly matters is the behavior that a person manifests in his day-to-day life
gilbert ryle - the self is not an entity; one can locate and analyze but simply the convenient name that we use to refer to the behaviors that we make
maurice merleau ponty - phenomenologist who says the mind-body bifurcation is an invalid problem
maurice merleau ponty - mind and body are inseparable
maurice merleau ponty - one's body is his opening toward his eexistence to the world
john locke - moral good depend on conformity or non-conformity of a person's behavior towards some law. there are three laws