Impacts of Atmospheric Pollution

Cards (5)

  • Smog:
    • Irritation of eyes and throat
    • Respiratory diseases, like asthma
    • Fine particles are carried into the lungs, leading to lung cancer, strokes and heart attacks
    • Breathing difficulties
    • ability of plants to make and store food through photosynthesis is reduced
    • growth, reproduction and general health of plants decline, making them more prone to disease and pests
  • Acid rain
    • Acidification of groundwater, making the water undrinkable;
    • It can cause diarrhoea and stomach upset if the water is consumed;
    • Aluminium leached from the soil to groundwater can be linked with pre-senile dementia
    • Acidification of groundwater damages tree roots
    • Crop yields decline;
    • Nutrients like calcium are leached out of the soil
    • Fish die as acidity levels increase;
    • Limestone buildings are chemically weathered
    • Trees affected as foliage dies
    • Aquaotic and animal life in lakes is poisoned and decreases as acidity levels increase
  • Ozone depletion
    • Higher levels of ultraviolet radiation cause sunburn, skin cancers, retina damage and cataracts;
    • Extra ultraviolet radiation limits the reproduction of phytoplankton, affecting the entire food web as they make up the lowest layer of some food webs
    • Changes in the biochemical composition of some plant leaves make them less attractive as food
    • Supression of immune system
    • Melting ice sheets, glaciers and permafrost can laed to a rise in sea-levels
  • Climate Change (1)
    • Melting of ice sheets, glaciers and permafrost causes a rise in sea levels;
    • Damage to low-lying countries from flooding e.g. Bangladesh from flooding would be disruptive with financial costs
    • Forced migration as people lose their homes and farmland from rising sea levels;
    • Warmer weather may mean farmers grow different crops and have longer growing seasons - increased droughts could lead to desertification and famine
    • Loss of biodiversity, habitat or extinction if animals and plants can’t adapt;
  • Climate Change (2)
    • Sea-level rise leads to the loss of coastal land and increased erosion.
    • Negative impacts on certain economic activities
    • Animal and plant species would not be able to adapt fast enough to the changes, leading to loss of biodiversity, habitat or extinction
    • More severe storms and droughts
    • Changes to fishing industries if fish species move to different waters
    • Ecosystem change could mean plant and animal species move into new areas and new (invasive) species emerge
    • Warmer temperatures could allow diseases such as malaria to srpead