Biological explanations

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  • Biological explanation of schizophrenia AO3
    :) Scientific methods
    > Theory based on objective and empirical techniques such as gene mapping or brain scans such as FMRI which are used to identify specific genes or areas of the brain linked to schizophrenia
    > Therefore, this increases the overall internal validity of the biological explanation of schizophrenia, thus, raising Psychology’s scientific status.
  • Biological explanation of schizophrenia AO3
    :) Practical applications
    > An imbalance of dopamine has led to the treatment of drug therapies such as typical and atypical antipsychotics
    > These drugs are effective in treating schizophrenia by balancing levels of dopamine in the patient’s brain and therefore reducing symptoms of schizophrenia such as hallucinations and delusions
    > Important part of applied psychology as it helps us treat people in the real world
  • Biological explanations of sz AO3
    :( Criticised for biological determinism
    > An individual is controlled by internal factors such as high dopamine activity (hyperdopaminergia) in the subcortex which inevitably causes auditory hallucinations
    > Neglecting the role of free will and choice an individual has, leading them to feel like they have no control over their behaviour
    > Therefore limiting the biological explanation of schizophrenia