Muscular skeletal system

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  • Flexion - decreasing angle at a joint, e.g bending knee before a kick
  • Extensionincreasing angle at a joint, e.g. follow through of a kick
  • Plantar-flexion – moving foot downwards away from tibia, jumping to take a shot in basketball 
  • Dorsi-flexion – raising foot upwards towards tibia, e.g. lifting foot up to control a pass in football. 
  • Pronation – rotating the forearm into a palm down position, e.g. forehand top spin in table tennis 
  • Supination – rotating forearm into a palm up position, e.g. executing forehand slice in table tennis. 
  • Inversion – movement of sole towards the median plane, e.g. turning in skiing 
  • Eversion – movement of the sole of foot away from the median plane, e.g. turning in skiing the other way. 
  • Abduction - movement of a limb away from the mid-line of the body, e.g. forehand shot in tennis 
  • Adduction – movement of a limb towards the mid-line of the body, e.g. returning arms back to original position from jumping jack
  • Circumduction – movement of a body region in a circular motion, e.g. bowling in cricket 
  • Rotation – movement around an axis, e.g. when hitting a golf ball, the trunk rotates 
  • Horizontal flexion – angle between bones decreases on horizontal/transverse plane, e.g. forehand shot in tennis 
  • Horizontal extension – angle between two bones increases on the horizontal/transverse plane, e.g. backhand shot in tennis
  • Stretch shortening cycle - pre-stretch that allows an athlete to produce more force quickly.
  • Eccentric - pre-loading muscle group, while muscle is lengthening. Elastic energy is stored.
  • Amortisation - transition phase that represents the time between the eccentric and concentric phase. Must be kept short as energy stored during eccentric phase could dissipate as heat.
  • Concentric - energy stored during eccentric phase is used to increase force produced during movement
  • Isometric - no movement, but maintains tension in muscles.
  • Concentric - muscle shortening whilst contracting
  • Eccentric - muscles lengthening whilst contracting
  • Fixator - A muscle that stabilizes a joint by pulling it into a fixed position.
  • Synergist - muscles that stabilise a joint around movement
  • The greater the effort arm, the greater the mechanical advantage (1st and 2nd)
  • To increase the stability, base of support needs to be increased
  • Increased muscle temperature - increased supply of blood due to vascular shunting leads to increase in muscle temperature
  • Increased muscle pliability - elasticity of muscles increases which should increase force production and flexibility
  • Blood viscosity decreases, allows for increased blood flow to working muscles and greater level of O2 and dispersion of Co2
  • Lactate is produced due to high intensity anaerobic exercise
  • Microtears - occurs in muscle fibres as a result of high intensity exercise, leads to fatigue.
  • Increased blood supply - blood vessels that carry oxygen rich blood vasodilate, allowing performer to maintain exercise intensity
  • Skeletal - simulated uptake of minerals from weight bearing activity, decrease in viscosity of synovial fluid and increase in fluency of joint movement.
  • Mitochondrial density increased from endurance training, increase in in conversion of energy into ATP
  • Increased tolerance to lactate from interval training, increasing lactate threshold, allowing performances to occur at a higher intensity
  • Increased tendon strength - tendons become thicker, more elastic and stronger
  • Increased myoglobin stores - endurance training, increasing efficiency of o2 delivery to working muscles
  • Increased energy stores - fat storage increases and fat used as energy is increased, conserving crucial muscle and liver glycogen for higher intensity activity
  • Skeletal - increase in bone density and strength due to long term weight bearing activity
  • Ligament strength increases, increases the stability of the joint and reduces chance of injury
  • Muscular hypertrophy - increase in size of muscle fibres leads to increase in muscle size and strength